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Marts mutant mod




Great mod, adds loads of new enemies to fight!

(helps if you have a high end pc)


GNR - More than that came from




I know you just got the game but you will get sick of the songs pretty quickly, this adds around 100 new songs to the radio.


Also I don't know what kind of character you will be using so I won't recommend any weapon/armour mods but this is required:


ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated!




This makes it so the game allows custom textures to show in game, thought I'd give you a heads up about it to avoid problems in the future.


Also welcome to the Nexus forums!

Edited by GuerillaWarlord
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I've played the game before on my roommates xbox but I only really did the main scenario without any dlc.

In that case: what version of the game did you purchase for the PC?



Suggested mods?


Eh, you know, I could make a huge list of, in my opinion, essential mods for FO3, but those are mostly only suited to my tastes alone.

Could you please specify what kinds of mods you're looking for?


Also, take a look at these mods. Installing and trying those out will keep you busy for a while. Make sure to get the first one. Fallout Mod Manager. That one is essential, no matter what your tastes are.

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Marts Mutant Mod

Never start the game without them. Its much fun with this as you will encounter more enemies and also get more EXP than the vanilla game.



With this you will get close to realistic. I mean, do post-apocalyptic's sky turned green after nuclear war?


Fallout 3 Wanderers Edition

This basically changes the whole game experience.


Fallout Interoperability Program - FOIP

This is a must if you are using MMM, FWE, FOOK2, EVE, WMK or Project Beauty.


Fallout Street Lights, Fallout Street Lights - Wasteland

This is a must if you are using fellout because fellout changes the night to very dark. So this at least help you to find your way.




This one is a must if you are using fellout.


Actually there are a lot more than what I give. You can just find more mods by filtering to endorsement and descending while browsing mods.

Have fun finding.

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