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Fallout 4 Creation Kit Beta and an Important Notice to Survival Testers


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I finally started a new game without a CTD.


I reinstalled FO4 back to vanilla.


Then went to C:\Users\user\documents\My Games\Fallout4 and deleted the entire folder. Started a new game with no problems.

Edited by FaceEmbrace
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In response to post #37299430.

eddieeddieeddie wrote: i dont have any problem with the new updates or loot or f4se or mods....my problem is nmm isnt showing if there are updates for mods....click the check for updates and it runs in nmm ....and after checking for updates nmm dont show if there really is any updates....ill scroll down the list of installed mods and go to there nexus page and theres a new update for mods i have installed...thats the only problem im having and have tried clicking get mods missing id's as well....anybody know how to fix this?

My guess is that it won't be fixed until the next update of NMM. I go check New Recently list daily to see if any mods I use are listed.
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In response to post #37213130. #37230205, #37233355, #37233475, #37277010, #37285485, #37310590 are all replies on the same post.

Sertith wrote: Just a quick note:

For everyone saying the problem has to be certain mods, or UI mods, you are WRONG. Last night I uninstalled FO4, Nexus, Deleted ALL MODS. Re-download FO4, just vanilla, not even using Nexus at all, and it STILL CTD on start up.
Mvpbeserker wrote: Same for me.
KazFoxsen wrote: I had that problem, plus validating files did nothing. What fixed mine was deleting the .ini files and starting without validating files.

EDIT: Mine crashed on attempting to load or start a new game. Not sure if yours does the same.
ZombieArron wrote: For me, it was deleting the Archive section in FalloutCustoms, CTD at main menu everytime, but others have told me that didnt help.
Also, Im not sure if it will help, but your plugins.txt may be outta order. NMM is mixing up the DLC esms. Wouldn't hurt to look even if your not using mods. Should look like this:

# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
Sertith wrote: Mine doesn't make it to load screens, no less save files. I hit play in Steam, I get a black screen for about 3 seconds, and that's it.

My .ini file contains this:
# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
macdaddy1176 wrote: that's not your ini file, thats Plugins.txt
your .ini files are located in Documents/My Games/Fallout 4, delete both Fallout4.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini, run steam launcher to generate new ones, worked for me
FaceEmbrace wrote: Same.

Oh come on, you know what file I meant, macdaddy1176, don't be snide.
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In response to post #37213130. #37230205, #37233355, #37233475, #37277010, #37285485, #37310590, #37313705 are all replies on the same post.

Sertith wrote: Just a quick note:

For everyone saying the problem has to be certain mods, or UI mods, you are WRONG. Last night I uninstalled FO4, Nexus, Deleted ALL MODS. Re-download FO4, just vanilla, not even using Nexus at all, and it STILL CTD on start up.
Mvpbeserker wrote: Same for me.
KazFoxsen wrote: I had that problem, plus validating files did nothing. What fixed mine was deleting the .ini files and starting without validating files.

EDIT: Mine crashed on attempting to load or start a new game. Not sure if yours does the same.
ZombieArron wrote: For me, it was deleting the Archive section in FalloutCustoms, CTD at main menu everytime, but others have told me that didnt help.
Also, Im not sure if it will help, but your plugins.txt may be outta order. NMM is mixing up the DLC esms. Wouldn't hurt to look even if your not using mods. Should look like this:

# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
Sertith wrote: Mine doesn't make it to load screens, no less save files. I hit play in Steam, I get a black screen for about 3 seconds, and that's it.

My .ini file contains this:
# This file is used by Fallout4 to keep track of your downloaded content.
# Please do not modify this file.
macdaddy1176 wrote: that's not your ini file, thats Plugins.txt
your .ini files are located in Documents/My Games/Fallout 4, delete both Fallout4.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini, run steam launcher to generate new ones, worked for me
FaceEmbrace wrote: Same.
Sertith wrote: Oh come on, you know what file I meant, macdaddy1176, don't be snide.

Thank You !
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In response to post #37299430. #37310900 is also a reply to the same post.

eddieeddieeddie wrote: i dont have any problem with the new updates or loot or f4se or mods....my problem is nmm isnt showing if there are updates for mods....click the check for updates and it runs in nmm ....and after checking for updates nmm dont show if there really is any updates....ill scroll down the list of installed mods and go to there nexus page and theres a new update for mods i have installed...thats the only problem im having and have tried clicking get mods missing id's as well....anybody know how to fix this?
rayhne wrote: My guess is that it won't be fixed until the next update of NMM. I go check New Recently list daily to see if any mods I use are listed.

thanks for the comment, thats what ive been doing checking the " added today" and "new recently" list, or open nmm and go down the list and open the mods page and look....130 mods installed at the moment.
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Is anyone else having an issue where they're stuck in an infinite launcher loop? I've tried swapping/renaming the names of the launcher and exe, tried running the game with admin privileges, verified the game files twice now, deleted the inis to allow the launcher to create new ones, unloaded and even moved my plugins out of the Data folder...not even a restart of steam and the latest F4SE loader changes anything...hopefully bethesda fixes this ASAP...hopefully Edited by Bottletopman
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In response to post #37336150.

Bottletopman wrote: Is anyone else having an issue where they're stuck in an infinite launcher loop? I've tried swapping/renaming the names of the launcher and exe, tried running the game with admin privileges, verified the game files twice now, deleted the inis to allow the launcher to create new ones, unloaded and even moved my plugins out of the Data folder...not even a restart of steam and the latest F4SE loader changes anything...hopefully bethesda fixes this ASAP...hopefully

Happened to me yesterday, and I just had to restart Steam.
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In response to post #37273765. #37277505, #37278860, #37291885, #37294505, #37298795 are all replies on the same post.

ravernware wrote: ok.. I placed steam online and updated to the latest version about an hour ago. After seeing what most of you went through, my game and NMM installed mods now work and they are no longer being deactivated in NMM.
Here is what I did:
Follow yatz's instructions http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/12772/? Kudos to him.
Update to the lastest F4se (www.f4se.silverlock.org)
Create a Bethesda.net account
start the game using the Bethesda starter (not via NMM)
select mods, login to Bethesda.net, activate you NMM installed mods.
Play, create a new save (important!). I noticed that for me the update wiped out all saves except the most recent, which suks.
exit game
restart using NMM (I start using F4SE), and all my plugins were enabled. No crash, the NMM mods were there.
I seriously hope this works for any of you still having problems. =) Going to endorse yatz's contribution now.
ff7legend wrote: Doesn't work for me. I noticed that NMM is warning me that certain plug-ins are disabled despite being enabled in NMM. Any attempt to fast travel in-game results in a CTD a split second after loading. Game loads fine from the main menu though. This is driving me up a wall. Thanks Bethesda for breaking the game with the 1.5 update. What a disaster.

Update: Disabling the Steam Overlay fixed my CTD on fast travel issue. Have no idea why the Steam Overlay would cause a CTD on fast travel but at least the issue is gone.
ravernware wrote: yea.. disable just about everything steam related like that. A couple years back we were advised to disable the steam cloud too. Go figure eh?
Eruadur wrote: Bethesda did NOT break the game with the 1.5 update. Lies and slander!!

Some mods have issues, update where necessary or delete and wait for update.
All in all: the game works fine
Sertith wrote: Bethesda DID break the Game. Even my vanilla game was broken. I can't load saves, or start new games.
ff7legend wrote: For whatever reason, the game is adding a duplicate Fallout4.esm entry to my Plug-ins.txt file. Setting it to Read Only will hopefully fix this issue. My issue is a CTD on fast travel a split second after loading. This did not happen before the 1.5 update. Everything was working as it should before the 1.5 update on my end. Also, the game seems fit to load some of my .esm mods above the official .esms (Fallout4.esm, DLCRobot.esm, & DLCworkshop01.esm) automatically for whatever reason despite me having those loaded after the official .esms.


As someone mentioned : Documents/My Games/Fallout 4, delete both Fallout4.ini and FalloutPrefs.ini, run steam launcher to generate new ones, worked for me

so, it's not broken, your ini files are broken :biggrin:
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In response to post #37287510.

Authenticus wrote: Bastards, I'm beginning to think they purposely released the 1.05 ahead of time to see the outcome on a large-scale to see the errors they have to fix before releasing on Console. They probably knew a lot of us wouldn't want to participate in Beta since it would be a hassle to get our Pre-Update mods to work with Post-Update.

Great, now I have to try re-installing fresh cause nothing I'm correctly doing is working.

tin foiled hats anyone? Authenticus has enough....
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In response to post #37294945.

darthtrevhat wrote: I just got to say, I feel so lucky; I haven’t had much of a problem. I got the usual “Mods missing” message after the update, but I updated the NMM and all is good. I even created a Bethesdanet account after the NMM update and everything is still working. Am I wrong or are most of the major issues being caused by the F4SE?

same for me, practically no issue whatsoever..
and i have f4se and have had no issue
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