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Guildmaster Chest Leveled List?


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Can't seem to find the Leveled item list which grants the player currency each month after becoming the Master. Anyone ever located it? :psyduck:

The monthly gold is actually granted through a quest script (specifically, FGPostQuest) instead of a leveled list.

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Can't seem to find the Leveled item list which grants the player currency each month after becoming the Master. Anyone ever located it? :psyduck:

The monthly gold is actually granted through a quest script (specifically, FGPostQuest) instead of a leveled list.


Hey! Thanks for the response, and yeah. I noticed, and i think i tweeked the right line. "set payamount to ( 10 * GetRandomPercent )"

If i go and tweek the 10 x GetRandomPercent to 30-40 * GetRandomPercent. Would that fix the everlasting underpayment of the Guild masters? x]

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If i go and tweak the 10 x GetRandomPercent to 30-40 * GetRandomPercent. Would that fix the everlasting underpayment of the Guild masters?

That would get you 3 or 4 time the amount of gold you get in vanilla. You can also add one of the leveled gold lists to the FGMasterChestLoot list for a chance to get even more (key word there is 'chance' since only one object from the list will be added).

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