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UOP Vampire Face Bug refuses to work


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I only use the Installers tab for a select group of mods (primarily Arthmoor's villages and a couple of other mods) with the bulk of my load order manually installed. Can't you just drag a mod to a different spot in the Installer tab list and then see in one of the windows to the right what WB is reporting for conflicts/overwrites?


I really haven't experimented much with Installers (nor studied Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html much in regard to the Installers tab).

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Ok... very interesting. After reordering and reinstalling some mods. I noticed that the default look of the in-game HUD was changed to the default one created by Natural Habitat. It removes the borders. I'm assuming it happens when I rebuild my Bashed Patch? Really annoying to have to go in there and have to delete those files to get the normal HUD again. I'm talking about the Stamina, Health, Magicka bars. They are borderless. It happens in the Natural Habitat mod. Or, one of the mods I have, anyway. Not 100% sure.


After noticing this, and making sure the face fix is enabled. I did the old 'getgamesetting ivampireageoffset' command in the console. It says "NOT FOUND". But it didn't work either way, before.... pfft....


EDIT: Ok. BOSS was particularly to blame. I had simply moved the UOP and Bashed Patch to the bottom of the load order. And the console command yields the correct response. >>>>> 0


But, still not working.

Edited by Prenihility
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Have you tried manually updating your BOSS masterlist from here?


Also be sure to run BOSS from the button in Wrye Bash (along the bottom of the WB window), otherwise if you have Lock Load Order set in WB (which is a default I believe) it will reset your load order when you start Wrye after running BOSS from the desktop or Windows Start button.

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Give this a try.


For some people (me being one of those) the masterlist update fails. If you don't see that reported then your updating is OK (though manually updating won't hurt anything ... the masterlist is exactly the same).


The other option is to turn off Lock Load Order in Wrye Bash (should be on the Mods tab right click menu ... it's just a toggle). If you edit mods using the Construction Set having Lock Load Order off is a bit of a pain because you then need to run BOSS before you rebuild the bashed patch each time you finish editing an ESP and want to test ... with Lock Load Order on you just start WB and then rebuild the bashed patch, saves a step.

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  • 8 months later...

One year later, and i honestly can't remember where i left off. WOO! At the very least, i wanted to run through everything over again. I went back to the beginning. And none of it adds up. I think my best chance is an expert on all the mods i have installed. Particularly OCO. It's the only mod i think could be conflicting.


This sucks... :pinch:

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