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Imperial Dragon Armor


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Did you talk to High Chancellor Ocato after Martin defeats Mehrunes Dagon? If you open your journal after talking to him and make Imperial Dragon Armor your active quest you should see an entry saying:

Chancellor Ocato has ordered a suit of Imperial Dragon armor forged for me in gratitude for the services I rendered to the Empire during the Oblivion Crisis. It will be waiting for me at the armory in the Imperial Legion Compound in two weeks.

Wait 2 weeks outside the Imperial City and then you should receive a quest update message saying the armor is ready and you should go to the Legion armory to pick it up. If Imperial Dragon Armor is your active quest your quest arrow will point you to the right location. Here's a link to the UESP Wiki walkthrough for Imperial Dragon Armor.

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no...when martin killed i accepted an other quest at cheidinhall for an oblivion gate but i never finished that quest because i didnt know what to do.....he said to me that some guards saw oblivion gates outside but when i go there i see just a unworking gate...
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After you complete the Main quest all open Oblivion gates close. If you haven't completed The Wayward Knight quest the Cheydinhal gate will be closed at that point (see Notes section of the link UESP Wiki walkthrough).
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