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Ozone Hole


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Ever thought how much DC was bombed and wouldn't that create a hole on ozone layer. THis should be a quest mod in which you get small doses of radiation wherever you are in Capital Wasteland except indoors and in cities until you use an object that connects different material's molecules to create ozoneand that requires massive energy like in power stations and shoot the hole, mending it. Edited by Slstoev
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Actually there already is a mod that adds radioactive rain to the game (no quest mod though): Enhanced Weather


As for the ozone hole: Seems extremely unlikely to me that nukes can create a hole in the ozone layer. In fact, because of all the radioactive fallout and the tons of debris hurled up into the atmosphere, I'd say exactly the opposite would be far more plausible: Instead of creating a hole or whatever, the atmosphere would probably thicken. Perhaps even so much that it would create a "nuclear winter".

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