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Archery mod request


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I'm semi-new to Oblivion mods, but after an hour or two of looking around with no luck I've decided to just make a post about it. I am currently using the FCOM mod, and as we all know with OOO in it the game is already much harder. However I plan to take it even further and play at 100% difficulty, with my goal being a marksman/mage mix of character. However with how underpowered archery is in the game I don't think it'd work. Now I'm not looking for a completely overpowered archery mod, I'm just looking for something that can change that x3 damage sneak bonus to x4 bonus damage. Early game it might be a bit much, but in the long run I believe it's the balance I'd need to pull off this play-through while not being completely overpowered. I mean sure I could just go pure mage and get like 8+ companions to roll with me and watch them dominate everything in sight, but then what's the point of playing on the hardest possible setting if I'm not actually playing right?


So essentially what I'm looking for is either...


A. A mod that already exists that changes the marksman sneak bonus to x4 damage, which of course has to be compatible with FCOM.


B. If it's simple enough to do, a quick explanation on how I can alter the value myself.


Thanks in advanced.

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Thanks for posting, I think that mod is too much of an overhaul to work properly with FCOM. Unless someone else had tried it already with success. Let me know.


Edit :


That link there to the game settings. How hard is it to edit those values? Changing journeyman expert and master to x4 is exactly what I'm looking to do.

Edited by Kinsume
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While I don't use a full FCOM install, I'm pretty sure DP's Combat Archery would work fine with it. You may need to change a few settings in the INI, but it's worth it. If you're worried about damage, you can tweak the mutipliers... and it's somehow more rewarding to land a instant kill sneak headshot with the default sneak multiplier than to just tweak the multiplier... though that's likely just me.


Also, while it's getting away from your OP a bit, have you looked at Sneaking Detection Recalibrated? Makes stealth a bit more involved, and like Combat Archery is highly configurable. It also has an awesome PDF manual that describes every feature in detail

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Well the thing is most of the monsters in FCOM have very high stealth values and most of the time can't be snuck around even with 100 sneak and a decent chameleon. Or so I've been told. Haven't played an assassin up that high yet, either way though I was reading that archery setup's intro and looking at the things it adds and I don't think I'd like it. Same reason I didn't really like Deadly Reflexes, it just added too much overpowered stuff.


Edit :


fg109 - What is the construction set? I am completely new to Oblivion modding.

Edited by Kinsume
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I just got a chance to look over that link, honestly I don't understand it at all. How hard is it to do, and how time consuming? Would it be too much to ask for someone else to make the mod and upload it?
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