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Raiders as actual people


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I have no idea how to actually make this a thing and it would mostly be for immersion.


How about making raiders(raiders, gunners, rust devils) seem less like aggro zombies that attack anything until it or they die, and more like people doing what think they have to, to survive. I read in a mod description somewhere that there is a mechanic in the game that makes raiders and such flee if they can't cause damage or something like that. Is there some way to make it where after taking too many hits or losing to many friends that they would turn and run as people are likely to do.


Can there be random strings of dialog that are displayed or (if recorded) play like them begging for their lives, asking for forgiveness, or telling comrades to run for their lives. Is there a way to introduce capturing aggressors alive to be taken to major settlements or cities and turned over to authorities, think arrest not slavery. I know we can add things to level lists but can we create notes and holotapes the spawn on them from loved ones from their camp. Can those notes themselves contain random strings that changes the name of the writer or receiver, can holotapes that have been recorded do the same like codsworths' name recognition.


I am sure some this could be done but I have never modded before and have no idea where I would even start, but I don't like the fact I am fighting soulless husk number 000f757b, but actual people with semi backstories and reasons for what they are doing and who they are doing it for.


Let me know what you think, how to start or who I should be asking please.

Edited by txdude82
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You have to keep in mind that most if not all of the raiders and such are drug addicts and they generally won't be reasonable when it comes to combat and death so it kinda makes it more lore friendly to keep them the way they are than make them pussies.

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Even drug addicts in this day and age aren't unfeeling monsters. Still I understand that this isn't for everybody. They can still have people they care about and notes and what not on their person, that doesn't change how they fight. Also running to live another day doesn't make you a pussy.

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Not necessarily, more so as a possibility. No I don't want to make them run away all the time, but every now and then after you slaughter the majority of their partners maybe or they could lose it and attack without taking cover like they are in a rage. And the morale/fear/run away thing is only a small part of what I am trying to figure out, I also want to be able to add random notes/letters/holotapes from loved ones and family so it gives more depth to the raiders as a whole. Bethesda tried to do it with the notes about the raider leaders sisters' kipnapping and death, but I'm looking to spread it out into the individual raiders and gunners themselves.

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Well you can reason with them with pacifying perk, you can command them until you holster your weapon. I enjoy executing those "pesky gunner mother*uckers" and raiders too but it gets annoying that you can not holster your weapon or they will imidiately attack you even after you barehandedly killed 2 deadclaws, and 15 people of their squad and are lever 80, in your mkVI X-01 powerarmor and they are level one in some filthy rags. Does not make sense at all. You dont have to make a mod that enables us to bring them to authorities just make them not being idiots.

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I think part of the issue is that raiders and gunners basically invariably attack you on sight for simply existing within line of sight. And that aside from unreasonably going full aggro on everything around them, they don't seem to do much else, except to wait around for you to show up and blast them apart.


I think if you wanted to make raiders and gunners (and any attack on sight faction) a bit more human, you might want to think of the following.


1. Have them have a morale threshold for running away or surrendering. If i just vaporized their buddies to the left and right...maybe they might want to put down that pipe wrench and think about what they are doing.

2. Have a significant number of non-hostile raiders and gunners that can be interacted with or seen as extras. Chem Dealers, Merchants, Workers, engineers, settler types. They might have dialogue implying you aren't welcome, but likely won't attack unless in defense. Someone is building those pipeguns or tinkering with robots or cooking up jet.

3. Raiders being more likely to try and intimidate and scam enemies for resources than outright brute force murder over them every time. Brute force takes effort and usually prevents getting more resources from that source later. Easier to run protection rackets. So more instances of "toll roads," or settlements under "protection," but also instances of raiders potentially just hanging around uninterested, telling you to get lost.

4. Gunners generally not being immediately hostile unless you are snooping around their bases. More akin to the patrols around the sanitarium that simply want you gone, instead of immediately opening fire. When they are hostile is when they've been given missions against you.

5. While these factions are made less hostile in the general sense, when you actually face off against them, they are made more dangerous and are less pushovers.

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