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Fo4 CK general TIP

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For CK users and BETA 1.5 users

You need obviously the nexus mod manager

and Fo4Loot

First thing first

1. Locate your C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Fallout4

if the plugins location for some reason is not there

go to main directory.

- if you activated your mod before on nexus don't worry acitvate it first

- Delete plugin.txt and loadorder.txt to refresh and restart the nexus load order

- activate the mod on nexus mod manager it will auto generated but no asterisk yet

-Disable the mod All of your mod on manager and follow 2nd step


- Go back to loot don't do anything yet

- Delete .bak file

- Re-sort order back while the mod disable click apply

- On plugins.txt Put asterisk symbol i.e " *Yourmod.esp " Manually to activate them

- Do not Boot the game

- Set plugins.txt to read only not load order

Things to watch out

- Do not use Steam To validate cache it will ruin load order

Disable Few Things before The Console Features is hitting at the end of April or start on May 4th


What this actually does, Editor hotloading means it will be cross-platform when the creation kit is updated with the console feature atm you can disable this.





Do not Save plugins on bethesda.net yet, i'm reporting the issue my mod restarted to default cell when i packed using the creation kit.

Edited by luthien21
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