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Can someone fix my shivering isles bounty?

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I can't run oblivion. I have tried everything including oldblivion with no success. So I cannot do this myself. The save is from my xbox that i have converted to .ess so it can be run on computers. All i need is for someone with all the DLC (so i don't lose my stuff) to use console commands to change my shivering isles bounty to 0. I would really appreciate it. I have been trying to fix it for a while now and I just really want it to be done with. Is there anyone out there who will take 5 minutes out of their day to help me?


I need to upload to an outside site because i can only upload 250kb


Mediafire download link of autosave.ess

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I can't run oblivion.

then you don't need the requested service.


I cannot run oblivion on my PC but i can still run it on my xbox. Please help?

you can't get a PC save to the Xbox (legally)


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you don't need the requested service.

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I can't run oblivion.

then you don't need the requested service.


I cannot run oblivion on my PC but i can still run it on my xbox. Please help?

you can't get a PC save to the Xbox (legally)


bringing us back to


you don't need the requested service.

I use a transfer cable. Where I'm from it is completely legal since it is not allowing me to get any advantage but its only fixing a glitch. I really would appreciate this.

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I do not understand the request. You state that Oblivion will not run on your PC. This means it is unplayable and you cannot even get the game to run so that you can start a new character. So if Oblivion is unplayable, why are you asking about transferring a savegame? It won't work when you get it there. I don't understand about the Shivering Isles bounty. Why do you care what your bounty is if Oblivion can't be played?


It seems like you should focus your efforts on getting Oblivion to run on your computer before you worry about anything else.


If you are content to play on the X-Box, then why don't you just pay off your bounty, go to jail, flee to Tamriel, or start a new character?

Edited by David Brasher
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