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Chatroom not properly loading


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It seems like the SSL implementation might be affecting the forum chatroom at the moment. I'm using Firefox and disabling protection for the chatroom page seems to have it load normally again.


It's already been reported but for those that missed it and want to look at some workarounds:


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A quick update, there are workarounds for Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome users for the chatroom. This entails disabling security for the page so use at your own risk.



Internet Explorer:

Load up the chatroom page. At the bottom, you should see a notification pop up saying "Only secured content is displayed". Click on the button that says "Show all content" to have the chatroom load up properly.



Load the page with the chatroom. Click on the green padlock with warning icon, click on the right arrow, then choose to "Disable protection for now" for the page.



Be sure that your Google Chrome is up to date (Chrome 50). Double-check by going to Help > About Google Chrome to start the update checker, download, and installation.


Load up the chatroom, then click on the shield icon on the right in the address bar, then choose "Load unsafe scripts".

Edited by KunoMochi
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So why all of a sudden did this come about?



The work integrating SSL is ongoing, apparently:

Hi folks,


Just a quick heads up that we're currently testing out the implementation of SSL security across the Nexus site (not the forums, yet).


The switch has been flicked and you should be seeing a nice padlock in your URL bar while browsing the site. Some pages aren't showing a green padlock yet due to links to the non-SSL side of the forums.


While initial testing has been positive, we'd appreciate it if you could let us know if you notice any errors, issues or anomalies browsing the site today as we cannot extensively test every single last nook and cranny of these sites as effectively as a few hundred thousand of you folks today!


Thanks for your time.

Edited by roamwild
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