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project new vegas visor overlay script


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I tried following the script instructions on the project new vegas modder's guide but it won't active.


my script:


scn VaultVisorSetupSCRIPT

BEGIN GameMode

if getGameRestarted == 0

;Vault Tec Helmet
listAddForm PNxCVisorOverlay13VaultTec ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet
listAddForm PNxCVisorConditionVisualsList ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet
listAddForm PNxCVisorVisionEffect01List ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet
listAddForm PNxCVisorVisionEffect08List ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet
listAddForm PNxCVisionModeNightList ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet
listAddForm PNxCVisionModeEMList ArmorPowerVaultTecHelmet

; Refresh main script
set PNxCVisorMain.update to 1



I attached the script to a quest following the directions: start game enabled and a quest delay of 1.0

suggestions please?

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Hmmm, what version of PN are you using? The most recent version has slightly renamed lists (the OrderedList suffix):


It shouldn't be an issue, unless they fail to compile. Also, the quest delay should be a 0.1, though again, it shouldn't matter with the refresh of the system.


Alternatively, you could just use the PN Equipment module, which already has the Vault Tec Power Armor in it.

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If that's still not working, you might have a patch that's using the old method, which overrides the lists and can prevent new patches from working. If you have any old patches, either update them (don't think any have been officially, so you'll have to do it yourself), or remove them.
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Placing after wouldn't necessarily matter. If a mod is overriding the expected versions of the lists, then PN just won't work right period. By adding via script you already ensure you don't conflict by adding at the very end during the game.


What you can do to test it is open FNVEdit (if you don't have it, get it from the nexus). Load your entire load order (default) and then look in the Project Nevada - Core file for the list you want to edit. See if any other mods are changing that list. If they are, then that's the problem.


Also, probably not a good idea to bump. I know where this thread is, the page moves slowly, all you'll do is get it locked and lose your support.

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finally got my script working. I did 2 things:


I used a variation of a script found in nvamp "Art of war" module that ended with a stopquest command.

I then used wryeflash to add vault tec armor as a master since it kept getting left out.


thanks for the help, girbbles. :)

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