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Toolbox technical questions here, please


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David, speaking of OrigSRC Class files... do you still have the whole (Feb-5th) release folder?

I normally keep tracking these updates but lost the initial set from a weird drive copy/paste that didn't actually backup those (1930+) on my external 500G USB! Arrggghh.

In fact -- there should be about 150 files missing, since the first Patch on March-10th only changed these. On March-17th, DLC0 (Anarchy) replaced 29 more, btw.

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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Shoootttsss -- i'm not alone wishing i still had kept any such files in a safe place for later use.

Oh-well.. if we ever get lucky, some day.


Alien-Hunters DLC soon, and i **DO** have proper safety backups -- now. ;)

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Can the LWS team offer any insight into what may be changed, from the modding perspective in the patch coming tomorrow? Having to rummage around and test all aspects of all my mods against random changes is not a pleasant idea.


Also, PSA, everybody should make a local zipfile of the existing OrigSrc, since it will be silently updated, and it will be helpful to diff against the previous code.


Not quite sure how far I can go within the confines of our NDA, but there are changes to a significant portion of the gameplay code (changes within a few hundred classes), so it all comes down to what area mods mess with. We'll have to update Toolbox and OfficerPack to fix some absolute show-stoppers, and make a minor update to SMG Pack.

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Can the LWS team offer any insight into what may be changed, from the modding perspective in the patch coming tomorrow? Having to rummage around and test all aspects of all my mods against random changes is not a pleasant idea.


Also, PSA, everybody should make a local zipfile of the existing OrigSrc, since it will be silently updated, and it will be helpful to diff against the previous code.


Not quite sure how far I can go within the confines of our NDA, but there are changes to a significant portion of the gameplay code (changes within a few hundred classes), so it all comes down to what area mods mess with. We'll have to update Toolbox and OfficerPack to fix some absolute show-stoppers, and make a minor update to SMG Pack.


is there any changelog in the works from firaxis or are we going to have to put this on git to have changes more obvious?

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Hold on -- **WE** will be able to determine the whole "ChangeLog" business once we examine the exact release content, aren't we?


I'd say .. after the compatibility rush fixes of most actively supported mods out there (which might take days or weeks in some cases), i have to predict that the essentials will be well known by then.


Anyhow, being in a community of Modders certainly has some advantages when teamwork should be necessary to figure out the newest stuff & gimmicks that Alien-Hunters will introduce.

Edited by Zyxpsilon
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