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Invisible horses, Wig Woes, and one confused modder.


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I'm certain that Drake has it nailed, especially around the resetting the BSA timestamps.


You can use the Userlist function included with BOSS to sort those unrecognized mods to places that work for them in your load order (some experimentation by you will be required to figure out the best spot in your load order). You can also report those mods (include as much detail regarding the mod as possible in regards to name and especially the exact name of the ESP files) ... mhahn123 is maintaining the masterlist. Just post your report in the comments at BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion.

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Also, about the load order you posted. You mentioned it being odd for BOSS to place to files after your Bashed Patch, but Maskar (the author of Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul) has specifically stated that his mod must be placed after the Bashed Patch for it to work correctly. Unless my memory fails me, I think it was because he has empty leveled lists in the mod, that are populated in-game via scripts, and Wrye Bash can do something to those leveled lists when building Bashed Patch. Or that is what I think there was behind it.


Whatever the reason is/was, Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul needs to be after Bashed Patch, so that is not an error. Hopefully you can find the reason behind the horse issues. Happy hunting!

Yup, I moved MOO down manually with the Bashed Patch. I know that's an exception for some reason. What I meant was that when BOSS sorts my load order it puts my Bashed Patch somewhere around the middle. Every time I use it I move the Bashed Patch and MOO down to the very bottom but I worry that since it places those in the middle it might not be placing everything else correctly. LOOT puts them both at the bottom but I know it's not optimized for Oblivion since it's newer so I do use BOSS instead.


Speaking of Steam and Archive Invalidation, there's also a few more things to check.


First off, is your game installed in the default location, somewhere inside program files (Steam's default, too, from all I know) and are you on a later Windows OS, Vista, Win 7/8 or higher? If so, chances are the UAC is tricking you into "believing" the files actually were where you put them, but in reality they went into some Virtual Store folder, or what it's named, inside your User folders instead. Using your Windows Explorer to check for them inside program files will fail, because it will effectively "lie" to you, showing you files where there are none, but the game can't be tricked by that and won't find them. If however you can find them inside the other folder I mentioned, then it's guaranteed they're not inside program files at all.


That's why it's usually advised to install your game at a different location than the default, safely outside Windows' and the UAC's clutches. This can even be done with Steam's game directory as well, moving it out of harm's way that is.


Bben has a very useful complete uninstall/reinstall/move guide for these cases, complete with keeping all your mod files and save games intact, somewhere on here: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4751769/1/#new


Next, Archive Invalidation comes in many different solutions, starting with the outdated and discouraged use of the "Archive Invalidation.txt" file containing the list of Vanilla game files to not be used anymore, whether created by yourself manually or automatically via a mod manager tool, continuing across another discouraged solution called BSA Alteration, modifying the game's BSA files themselves and replacing Vanilla files to replace inside these directly (very easy to mess your game up beyond repair that way, especially if not keeping backups), and finally ending on the only sanely advisable approach nowadays, BSA Redirection, putting an empty dummy BSA file into your Data folder and altering your Oblivion.ini so this file gets loaded at the position of the only BSA requiring invalidation under normal circumstances, effectively eliminating the very need for Archive Invalidation itself entirely once and for all.


But there's a thing that needs to be taken especial care of when applying BSA Redirection to your game. By all means get rid of any and all left-over files labeled "Archive Invalidation.txt" irrespective of where inside your game folders they might be hidden. Having even one of these persist will lead to the game being instructed to use external file X over internal file X from inside the "now-empty" dummy BSA, and this is known to cause multiple random texture issues inside your game.


And last but not least let's not forget you're on Steam, which means the BSA files served by Steam will be dated far too recently for any replacer-type mods to ever stand a chance, and even Archive Invalidation will be trumped and thus ignored by that. So make sure you first "re-date" your BSA files back to a date around where Oblivion's disc version was officially released, somewhere around 2006, if I'm not mistaken, which in case of already using OBMM can easily be done in the same Archive Invalidation dialog just by clicking "Reset BSA timestamps" once before applying BSA Redirection afterwards.


I hope some of this helps tracking down your issue.


Thank you for the information!

I don't have it installed to the default location thankfully. (My C drive is a 256 SSD so I don't install anything onto it ever. Games go on my D drive.) I have been using the redirect method since the OBMM site recommends it but I didn't think of looking to see if perhaps there was an archive invalidation file somewhere in there. I'll do that now! I've redated all of the bsas with the handy little button too.


You rock, it seems like you really know your Oblivion!! <3

Edited by Namea
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I'm certain that Drake has it nailed, especially around the resetting the BSA timestamps.


You can use the Userlist function included with BOSS to sort those unrecognized mods to places that work for them in your load order (some experimentation by you will be required to figure out the best spot in your load order). You can also report those mods (include as much detail regarding the mod as possible in regards to name and especially the exact name of the ESP files) ... mhahn123 is maintaining the masterlist. Just post your report in the comments at BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion.


I just used BOSS with the updated masterlist from that link and this is how it sorts my load order:



Cobl Main.esm=1
Ulrim's Horses.esm=1
Unofficial Oblivion Patch.esp=1
UOP Vampire Aging & Face Fix.esp=1
Oblivion Citadel Door Fix.esp=1
Unofficial Shivering Isles Patch.esp=1
Circling Ravens.esp=1
moDem's City Life.esp=1
Streamline 3.1.esp=1
DLCHorseArmor - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
DLCOrrery - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
DLCVileLair - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
DLCMehrunesRazor - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
DLCSpellTomes - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
00 chakaru wigs.esp=1
Darkgreen Glass Armour.esp=1
Immersive Weapons.esp=1
Iron Maiden Set.esp=1
Iron Maiden - Jo's Rest.esp=1
Shdw_Armor pack01.esp=1
Shdw_Armor Set_Sotonhorian.esp=1
Simple leather armor.esp=1
Weapon Improvement Project.esp=1
CB Rogue Armor.esp=1
R18PN - Eisen Platte Armor.esp=1
Sack of Pants.esp=1
Triss Armor Retextured.esp=1
Slof's Horses Base.esp=1
Slof's Extra Horses.esp=1
Slof's Black Unicorn.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - My Horses.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - Heavy Legion Horses.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - Friesian Horses.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - Shadowmere.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - Extra Horses.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - More Horses.esp=1
Zira's Horse Modpack - Armored Legion Horses.esp=1
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
DLCThievesDen - Unofficial Patch - SSSB.esp=1
Cobl Glue.esp=1
Cobl Si.esp=1
Cobl Tweaks.esp=1
OOO 1.32-Cobl.esp=1
Cobl Tweaks - OOO Mergeable.esp=1
KDCircletsOOOOptimized - Loot Only.esp=1
EVE_StockEquipmentReplacer for OOO.esp=1
Plate Armor Plus - OOO_FCOM_version.esp=1
Benirus Manor Remade.esp=1
Kvatch Rebuilt.esp=1
Kvatch Rebuilt Fixes.esp=1
Kvatch Rebuilt - No More Burned Ground.esp=1
DLCBattlehornCastle - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
DLCFrostcrag - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
Ulrim's Horses.esp=1
Knights - Unofficial Patch.esp=1
Ulrim's Horses - Knights patch.esp=1
Oscuro's_Oblivion_Overhaul - Knights of Nine.esp=1
Salmo the Baker, Cobl.esp=1
Real Lava 1.3.esp=1
Grass Overhaul.esp=1
Improved Fires and Flames - Increased Sound.esp=1
Slof's Epona.esp=1
Cobl Races.esp=1
OCO v2 Balanced - Cobl.esp=1
Cobl Races - Balanced.esp=1
Alternate Start Revamped.esp=1
Cobl Filter Late MERGE ONLY.esp=0
Maskar's Oblivion Overhaul.esp=1
UFF Ves and Triss.esp=1
00 chakaru amulets.esp=1
Blade Witch.esp=1
TW3 dresses.esp=1
00 Ouroboros amulet.esp=1
Cobl Variations.esp=1
Bashed Patch, 0.esp=1
Cobl Variation - OOO Patch.esp=1
Claytons Bigger Streetlights v1.esp=1

As you can see it puts a few things below the bashed patch. It's better now than it was though! I'm gonna move MOO and the Bashed patch down like usual and then run it and see if the new masterlist order + following the advice in Drake's post helps. Fingers crossed!
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If you run BOSS from it's GUI (i.e. it's desktop shortcut) it will give a report detailing which mods it doesn't recognize. Unrecognized mods will always be sorted below the bashed patch until you either manually sort them using something like OBMM or Wrye Bash or set them up in Userlists.


If you use OBMM to manually sort the next time you run BOSS it will always resort the unrecognized mods to the bottom of your load order.


If you use WB to manually sort your load order it has options to lock the load order. In that case WB will reset your load order every time you run it back to the load order you locked in. WB can also be set so that when you run BOSS from the WB GUI changes to load order that BOSS makes are then what WB will use as the new "locked in" load order (there's a button down in the lower left of the WB window for starting BOSS from within WB).


The best way to use BOSS and WB is by setting up your unrecognized mods from the BOSS desktop GUI in Userlists (perhaps after doing some testing using WB to manually sort or by just trying different spots in your load order using the Userlist dialogue). What happens then is even when run from the Wrye Bash GUI BOSS will use the Userlist to sort your unrecognized mods. That is how they were designed to work together.

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If you run BOSS from it's GUI (i.e. it's desktop shortcut) it will give a report detailing which mods it doesn't recognize. Unrecognized mods will always be sorted below the bashed patch until you either manually sort them using something like OBMM or Wrye Bash or set them up in Userlists.


If you use OBMM to manually sort the next time you run BOSS it will always resort the unrecognized mods to the bottom of your load order.


If you use WB to manually sort your load order it has options to lock the load order. In that case WB will reset your load order every time you run it back to the load order you locked in. WB can also be set so that when you run BOSS from the WB GUI changes to load order that BOSS makes are then what WB will use as the new "locked in" load order (there's a button down in the lower left of the WB window for starting BOSS from within WB).


The best way to use BOSS and WB is by setting up your unrecognized mods from the BOSS desktop GUI in Userlists (perhaps after doing some testing using WB to manually sort or by just trying different spots in your load order using the Userlist dialogue). What happens then is even when run from the Wrye Bash GUI BOSS will use the Userlist to sort your unrecognized mods. That is how they were designed to work together.

Wow, I never knew they had that kind of functionality! I've really only ever used WB to make bashed patches and BOSS for just sorting. I should really look into some of their more advanced features because the more I know the less problems I'll have!

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Have a look in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder ... the two readme files (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash advanced Readme.html) are where I've learned almost everything that I know about Wrye Bash. The readme for BOSS is in the BOSS\Docs folder.

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Have a look in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder ... the two readme files (Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash advanced Readme.html) are where I've learned almost everything that I know about Wrye Bash. The readme for BOSS is in the BOSS\Docs folder.


I'm positive now that it's a mod conflict of some sort. I just realized that apachii's wigs aren't working either and I know I had them working in a previous install. This is a screenshot of an attempt to use an apachii wig:



While I've found that 2 of the Chakaru wigs work:




I'm positive that I've installed them correctly. I double and triple checked my file paths for manual install of them. All of the files are in the right place and they're all valid since they all open just fine for me in DDS format in Gimp and photoshop.

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Mod conflicts can be load order based or mod install order based. I like to use two Windows Explorer windows open at the same time, each showing one of the two possible mods that I'm checking out. Makes jumping from one to the other quick and easy.


I would think that mods from either of those authors wouldn't have a problem with textures in the wrong path etc.

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Mod conflicts can be load order based or mod install order based. I like to use two Windows Explorer windows open at the same time, each showing one of the two possible mods that I'm checking out. Makes jumping from one to the other quick and easy.


I would think that mods from either of those authors wouldn't have a problem with textures in the wrong path etc.


Is there any chance it could be the fact that I have windows 10? Or my hardware? Here's my specs:


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I'm not much of an expert on Win 10 (nor is there any chance of me becoming one ... I consider all Microsoft operating systems from Win 8.0 onwards to be "phone/tablet" OSes and there is zero chance I'll ever use one). What little I do know about Win 10 is that it has taken UAC to new levels of interfering with you using the computer you paid for.


If you have Oblivion installed in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86) the first thing I would do is to install it outside of UAC's influence (C:\Games is the usual suggested location). If you use the Steam version of the game that will mean you first need to get Steam installed outside of C:\Program Files (x86). Bben46 has complete instructions on this at Bbens Complete Uninstall/Reinstall for Oblivion.


- Edit - Hmm, just had a quick read through the posts in this thread and I see Drake already posted about install location and you indicated that the game is installed away from C drive. Is the folder path on your install drive still Program Files (x86) (e.g. D:\Program Files (x86)\...) or something more like D:\Games\... ? I know that I've have read something about Win 10 UAC having a longer reach that it did in Win 7/8 ... not certain if that included any drive's Program Files folder or not.

Edited by Striker879
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