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Invisible horses, Wig Woes, and one confused modder.


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I'm not much of an expert on Win 10 (nor is there any chance of me becoming one ... I consider all Microsoft operating systems from Win 8.0 onwards to be "phone/tablet" OSes and there is zero chance I'll ever use one). What little I do know about Win 10 is that it has taken UAC to new levels of interfering with you using the computer you paid for.


If you have Oblivion installed in the default location of C:\Program Files (x86) the first thing I would do is to install it outside of UAC's influence (C:\Games is the usual suggested location). If you use the Steam version of the game that will mean you first need to get Steam installed outside of C:\Program Files (x86). Bben46 has complete instructions on this at Bbens Complete Uninstall/Reinstall for Oblivion.


- Edit - Hmm, just had a quick read through the posts in this thread and I see Drake already posted about install location and you indicated that the game is installed away from C drive. Is the folder path on your install drive still Program Files (x86) (e.g. D:\Program Files (x86)\...) or something more like D:\Games\... ? I know that I've have read something about Win 10 UAC having a longer reach that it did in Win 7/8 ... not certain if that included any drive's Program Files folder or not.

My game path for all video games on my computer is D:\GAMES

In Oblivion's case it's D:\GAMES\Steam\Steamapps\Common\Oblivion


The only things I keep in D:\Program files are unrelated programs. All game related stuff (including BOSS, LOOT, TESEDIT, Etc) are under D:\Games\GamePrograms\Nameofgame

Nothing at all is on C except some few programs that aren't moveable.

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As far as my understanding of Win 10 goes that should be sufficient to get the game out from under UAC's (and it's Win 10 derivatives) grasp. Don't know what else to suggest.


- Edit - Like I said earlier, I'm no hair guy, but aren't some hairs designed just for specific heads (for that matter could be the case for horses too ... trying to use textures designed for horse "X" on vanilla or vice versa).

Edited by Striker879
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Hmm...I checked to make sure and it looks like the hairs were all designed for vanilla heads at least. *Facedesk* I must have done something wrong somewhere.

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