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Has anyone successfully created an interior settlement?


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I'm currently trying to create a settlement in an interior. I have it relatively working fine. I can assign settlers/companions to the location, however they always seem to exit the interior and sit in the common wealth doing nothing.

I tried putting up a sandbox (default blank trigger linked from workshopworkbench) with no success.


Has anyone already created a working interior settlement?

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1. Mechanists lair/Automatron DLC

There is even a mod that turns it in a full settlement, wihere you can set up recruitment beacons etc.


2. Build your own Vault

You can send people from the "father" settlement into your vault


3. Vault 98

Complete custom settlement set in a vault, including provisioners etc.


Just 3 examples from the top of my head in random order.

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Your settlement has not been added to the WorkshopParentScript correctly! If you own the Automatron DLC, take a look at the WorkshopAddLocationScript and the quest DLC01WorkshopParent. This quest runs on startup and adds your new settlement to the workshop list.


I mentioned this in my Unofficial Workshop FAQ at Beths forum.

You. I love you. I knew something wasn't quite right!


Looking into it now.

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So I've added the lcoation initialization quest and this seemed to work.

NPCs will sandbox the area correctly. Only issue I have now is that when I assign NPCs to this settlement, they dont go anywhere, possibly because the location is over water. I guess I'll try navmeshing the outside of it, but im not sure that will fix it.

Im thinking of putting a boat (door) or an invisible door somewhere on the land. But idk that an NPC will know to use that specifically. I could mark the other doors differently... ehhhhhhh....


EDIT: It's almost like they dont know where to travel to. Is there a marker dedicated to that purpose?

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I think you only need a valid navmesh path. An invisible load door could help. Don't forget to "finalize" your navmesh.

I gave that a go.


First attempt: I tried finalizing the outside of the boat. No dice.


Second attempt: I tried making a door out of a life boat accessible from a dock. Added two more triangles, linked doors and finalized navmesh. Re-finalized navmesh inside my ship (the interior settlement). Still not working. Marked ship's other doors as Min.


Third attempt: Use thinking that would help them choose the lifeboat door.


I guess I'll try making one super obvious door inside castle or something. It's weird though. When I assign the NPCs they just stand there. Kind of sucks there's no teleport when no path is found... Assuming the path is even the problem... At that lifeboat door object I made, I told Nick V. to go to my settlement. He just stood there, basically touching the door.


I have to be missing something, some kind of marker or what-not. What are the mandatory markers a settlement should have?


I have a workbench, a quest to initialize the location, a container for the workbench (w/ keyword), a defaultemptytrigger to define the buildable area (w/ keyword, also added a link back to the trigger from the workbench marking the same area as sandbox too. ... might try to separate that later to see if it has any effect. A xmarker w/ the center keyword. Location & Event Zone were also created. Not sure what else is necessary really.


EDIT: Guess I'm going to need to re-read that FAQ too...

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So I'm still unable to get AI to travel to my interior, I may have to get crafty ;D


Vault 98 was not in a better position than myself, as you cannot travel to it.

It may have something to do with my map markers not showing up like in game settlements do... they do not list the population count or happiness. Every "tutorial" on youtube does not cover this either (which makes me wonder if they are teaching everyone to do it wrong).

DarthWayne, any idea on how to do the above?

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Map markers aren't related to the workshops. You place them manually (static -> mapmarker).

Do you have a spawn point in your settlement? Should be a linked ref of your workbench with a keyword named workshoplinkspawn or something like that.

Also, did you test if your settlement was added to the workshopparent correctly? If you print out the workshop ID with a script it should not be -1.

Additionally you could try it with a new save. Not sure if it is a bug or caused by testing, but I had problems that could only be solved with a new save...

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