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terrified that skyrim wont work on my computer


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i recently attempted to play witcher 2 on my laptop and even on the lowest specs it did not function properly. oblivion, fallout 3 and mass effect 2 on the other hand work perfectly. i'm not a computer geek and i dont now whether skyrim will work properly for me. is there a big chance it wont function normally


this s*** is written on my laptop if it helps:


AMD Turion II x2 M500 (2.2 ghz, 1 MB 1.2 Cache)


ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4570 Up to 2303 MB HyperMemeory


4 GB Memory

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Witcher 2 likes to use up your system resources like a beast, shoot, it takes up more resources than Crysis to play at full capacity. Your Graphics Card and RAM is perfectly fine for now (considering it's a laptop). The only thing I could suggest it to upgrade your processor, but that's near impossible to do cause it's a laptop. Laptops aren't too upgrade friendly. But if you can run Mass Effect 2, then you should be okay, considering ME2 is more graphically demanding than what Skyrim looks to be. You might not be able to use the Dx11 features, but that's about it. And if they did anything to optimize the engine(and I sure hope to god they did), then you should be able to run the game just fine. But we don't have computer specs for the game also, so can't really say anything beyond that until they release computer specifications. Edited by jhardingame
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I hate to be the barer of not good news, but I wouldn't hold out much hope for that laptop being able to run the game. Maybe on low settings, but typically laptops aren't the best for gaming. I mean, there is hope since the game requirements haven't yet been released though..


Do you have a desktop PC? There is a chance that you will be able to play it on your PC, and may only need to install a new graphics card in order for it to run well. Otherwise, perhaps you'll need to stick to playing it on a game console for a while.

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thanks for the replies. no i do not own a desktop or a gaming console which sucks for me cuz i know you can only play new games on a laptop until game specs start to get too high.


frankly i dont really care about that, if skryim works i dont care if i cant play any new games after that. i'll stick to old rpgs


ps do game specs usually get released before the game is out? if so then by how long?

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