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UI mods, FO4 1.5 and userbase meltdown

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Since the 1.5 live update the FO4 userbase has been melting down with "whaaa beth broke my mods". As if the simple change of adding * to plugins.txt wasn't bad enough, it seems that hundreds if not thousands of users were unable to resist the temptation of installing UI mods which are now incompatible with 1.5

Because of the large number of loose files added into the data folder, users can't figure out why disabling the UI mod isn't solving the issue. They then "uninstall" FO4 thinking that will remove the files, though of course they are still sitting there and go through a cycle of verifying cache and crashing because they can't figure it out...

Predominantly the issue is with Def_UI and while I acknowledge it is not the author's obligation or responsibility the fact remains that the mod is causing tons of problems and the author is no longer supporting it...


So I guess there's no point to this post other than I'm sick of seeing the same posts ten times a day all with the same problem caused by the same mod... -_-

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