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Are we the worlds police


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well there was somebody else who was the world's police.

Look how well it ended for them. the British empire collapsed. (of course, we still are the leader of the Commonwealth)


America seems to think over-confidently of itself. This overconfidence, will one day collapse them just as the GBE did. Because you must respect other nations. That's exactly why Vietnam turned out like it did. No respect to the workers/people of Vietnam.


IMO, We do not need another world police. We are all pretty-much world powers, so USA should back off a bit and think about what it's doing.

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IMO, We do not need another world police. We are all pretty-much world powers, so USA should back off a bit and think about what it's doing.



Man, look at our leaders and see if you can say the word think without cracking a smile.. lol Come on now, we can't even think about domestic affairs without getting in each others faces.

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