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who can help me ceate a beautiful clother to The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim?


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this is my a long-time willing, there is a beautiful clother in a chinese animation called The Legend of Qin,

maybe someone have watch it, this is a really good animation about chinese traditional culture,it's my favourite animation,these i will show the clother and the role,

http://static.6yoo.com/yuyan/cms/d/qinsmoon/downloads/wallpaper/2015-01-12/e4844e1206eacc087b1d41c4f871020d.jpghttp://static.6yoo.com/yuyan/cms/d/qinsmoon/downloads/wallpaper/2015-01-13/1420f152c5d248e8606ad62bade935db.jpghttp://static.6yoo.com/yuyan/cms/d/qinsmoon/downloads/wallpaper/2014-12-30/6ca294461c1b649e04b5b104f44ce35f.jpghttp://static.6yoo.com/yuyan/cms/d/qinsmoon/downloads/wallpaper/2015-07-02/0acf444fc68caa85d63e5f6f0b6833b0.jpghttp://c.hiphotos.baidu.com/zhidao/pic/item/024f78f0f736afc38317f2feb519ebc4b7451216.jpghttp://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580%3Bcp%3Dtieba%2C10%2C730%3Bap%3Dcos%C2%F2%C2%F4%B0%C9%2C90%2C738/sign=ebff27cdabec8a13141a57e8c738f2ff/3c9485d4b31c87011d58b1c4257f9e2f0608ff09.jpghttp://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/pic/item/379402bd07f338545b82dd54.jpghttp://imgsrc.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=132a572c1f178a82ce3c7fa8c602737f/fa92557f9e2f0708b93487e0e824b899a801f2e6.jpghttp://1.pic.7230.com/Uploads/Picture/2015-09-11/55f2830b69459.pnghttp://img3.imgtn.bdimg.com/it/u=4001023774,3701694040&fm=21&gp=0.jpgit consist of smoe part ,there is a gold thing behind her back ,if is too hard to do,it can ignore it, it contain a main clother and the cuffs(her right hand is null) and the silk stockings(have a small bell) and the high-heeled shoes.if there are someone can create it ,i will thanks for him or her !my english is terrible

Edited by lingxiang
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First please don't bump your own post it is against the rules. Second, this is a mod request for Skyrim and would need to go here:


general Skyrim Forum


skyrim mod request



Good luck.

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