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HGEC & Vanilla Clothes = Ugly People


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After years of playing with the vanilla Oblivion (ie. with no mods installed) I though I might give a the HGEC body replacement mod a shot as well as the hires texture pack that goes with it and everything appears to have installed fine (used OBMM for HGEC) and followed the instructions for the HiRes Texture pack to the letter, however when my character is wearing any of the vanilla clothes (ie those that were not made for HGEC) then body on my character looks like crap. For example, the hand and face colors are noticeably brighter then the rest of the body, When I take the clothes off (so that my character is in their b-day suit) things start to look better but not right still so how can I fix it so I can put on any clothes I want w/out the noticeable variations in skin tone ?


Mods I have tried to fix this issue are: (None of these worked btw)


- HGEC Seam Reducer

- EVE_HGEC_BodyStock_and_Clothing_OMOD



I also tried using the following mod instead of the hires pack for HGEC and the results were marginally better but not that much.


- F-IN evOblivion skinset for EC/HGEC body



Anyway, I have been looking for an answer for the for 2days straight now and really have no clue where to turn next so if anyone has any suggestions then I would be most grateful.




Edited by obmike
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When you put clothes or armor on a body that piece of clothing becomes that body part. If the body texture you're using doesn't match the body type the clothing/armor was designed for unpleasantness may result, depending on how close the two textures match. Download and install some clothing/armor that is made for the HGEC body and see if your problem persists.
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Yes, you are quite correct. Vanilla clothing looks crap on a high-res body replacer.


The clothing carries its own skin area, AND its own shape. You WILL get visible seams as the vanilla skin is used by vanilla clothing. Solution? Download a stock clothing replacer for HGEC in the cup size you prefer.


As you have already downloaded the EVE HGEC Bodystock and Clothing mod, the fact it didn't fix the problem probably means you didn't actually get it to work. If it HAD worked you should have seen much better joint matching at wrist and ankle, and no obvious seams at those points. If that's not what happened, something didn't install correctly or the mod did not get correctly enabled.


As for the neck seam, yes, it's there, and probably always will be, because of the way the game renders heads and bodies. The usual seam reducers hide it by adding a necklace or pendant on the seam line.

Edited by MarkInMKUK
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Have you checked the EVE esp in OBMM to see if it's activated? Did you use the textures that came package with EVE (they're good but not up there with F'N imo)? Are you sure you installed HGEC correctly? Do you have your archive invalidated?

Not trying to be an ass, just want to cover all the bases.


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Thanks everyone for the replies.





I am not so much worried about my player character as I am about all the ugly NPC's that I see walking around with white hands and darker bodies. That is why I went for the stock clothing replacer, but perhaps it does not change as many clothes as I thought it might like the women that frequent the IC Market District for example look awful even after applying the EVE mod.






It's not the seams that really bother me so much it's the dramatic differences in the color of the hands/face as compared to the other body parts. As I said I am used to playing with vanilla characters so I did not really think much about this before but it appears that a character is made up of 4 distinctive parts (Head, Torso, Hands, Feet) and any part that does not have stock clothing covering it appears much brighter then those parts that do have something covering them. I could be wrong about this, but that is how it appears anyway.


As far as EVE not setting up correctly, I cannot really say for sure or not because I have no screenshots to compare what I am experiencing VS the results I should be experiencing. The screenshots for the Mod do not really show any pictures of the players hands with the exception of a low res animated gif file which is not that good to compare with so if you know where I could find some decent screenshots of what the body should look like after the EVE mod has been setup properly then I can at least compare those with my results to see whats going on.





EVE esp is activated and I sorted everything out using version BOSS 1.8 to make sure the load order was right.


I said NO when prompted to install the textures that came with EVE (per the readme) since I already had the hires textures applied


I am using the ArchiveInvalidation Invalidated BSA which should eliminate any need to fool around with the OBMM settings for Archive Invalidation (or atleast that was the impression I got when I read the documentation for it)

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@obmike - if you are seeing seams at hands and feet with the EVE mod in place, something is wrong, as those seams should be invisible. The only place I've noticed seams on the wrists since I dropped a stock replacer onto my HGEC body is in the tutorial cell, as for some reason the stock replacer didn't include the initial sackcloth shirt and stuff.
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Here's another possible path for you. Set everyone including yourself back to vanilla (completely uninstall all your body/clothing/armor replacer mods). Use electrro's BBB Designer body spell on yourself with whichever available body suits you and leave all the rest at vanilla.
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I agree with Mark, there's probably something wrong with your EVE installation. What you describe (light skinned hands vs dark skinned bodies) is what happens when you are using the HGEC body but still using the stock equipment meshes.


If you're still not sure that's the problem, why don't you try choosing HGEC E-cup versions when you install the EVE stock replacers? There should pretty noticeable difference in chest size between E cup and vanilla which would allow you to tell if you actually have it installed.

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Make sure head textures match the body. This can be tricky if using both male and female replacers as they will both use the same head. Luchaire's seam reducer also comes with optional textures, have you tried them?
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