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Very Frequent Crashes!


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Thasic, Bummer, I prefer Western Skies too, love their sunrises and sunsets. Thanks for the link though. I imagine Electro will be releasing a new update soon anyway. De-mobbed = De-Mobilized, granted an honorable discharge but subject to stop loss. (I deactivated them until updates are uploaded. Not going to happen with RR so I'm keeping an eye on ACM-NCCS and will switch over when they find a way to work out the bugs.) I still have Willow loaded in my new game but I haven't reached her yet so I'm not sure. However according to her site she will be updated shortly anyway. I wonder if a merge will work with Western Skies and PWV.


I don't know enough about the changes to say we can do it ourselves, I'll leave that for more experienced hands than mine!


GothikaGeist, thanks for that, I'm just now getting deeper into FNVEdit so I'll follow your lead. I just re-activated it after a new spate of triple three finger salutes and it does seem to be helping, but that speed up thing is wreaking havoc with my characters shins! Thanks. (Although, oddly enough, I can no longer Esc out of the loading screens to the start screen (didn't even know there was a "Please Stand By" slide!)) [Actually that could be an indication that A8 is altering more than the esm and perhaps affecting the exe.]

Edited by maboru
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I didn't even know you could skip those screens! xD I'ma go try that now! Also, I am noticing a weird animation while "crouch-walking" with guns. My characters boobs get in the way of my aim. Edited by GothikaGeist
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I'll forgo the obvious suggestion because there are no reconstructive surgeons in the wastes to my knowledge! However, after I re-activated A8 in the Prospector Saloon and went back outside I got some very unusual video effects, my character view got all woozy like poisoning, it looked like a sandstorm and the sky was missing (all black but it was still daytime). I just pip boyed out of it though (terrific graphical glitch remedy, wonder if they intended it to be?) I ran A8 through the FNVEdit filter again and I know it's supposed to over ride a lot of things but there are so many conflicts registered there that I have no idea what's okay and what's not. I'll keep working on it though because it does seem to help some things but others not so much.
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I tried using A8 because GothikaGeist suggested using it in another thread. It slowed my machine down to a crawl and I noticed a few other wierdnesses as well. I ditched it and my game resume normal activities. I do have BetterGamePerformanceV4, Stutterer Remover, the 4GB mod and several ini tweaks that have helped somewhat. As far as companions, I was traveling with two, Willow, Cyan and Willows dog and I was having all kinds of difficulties, mostly freeze ups when opening containers and during fast travel. I dropped down to just Willow and the dog and I ran the game without a hitch for about an hour before I had to head into work. I'll try running the game for a couple hours more before saying that was the problem but it looks good so far.


BTW, I dropped down to around 95 mods from 120 or so since there has been some discussion that over 100 mods caused crashing and freeze ups. Does anyone else run 100 plus mods without problems with this new FONV patch, I think its 1.4?


As far as the boob problem, you know the amazons used to burn off one breast so it wouldn't get in the way of thier bows. Just a thought...

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You may want to drop stutter remover for now because the author says on his download page that it doesn't support 1.4 yet. BetterGamePerformanceV4 has never given me any problems and seems to help. A8 hasn't given me any problems out in the wastes, I just picked up Willow and so far so good. I managed an hour and a half just now before my latest crash occurred. Also switched to CASM for it's quick save feature so no more corrupted save files. Almost back at bearable again!


Okay I've just been turned on to this from another site. I'm going to work my way through it and see if there's anything there I haven't tried yet (looks like there is.)



Edited by maboru
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Thanks for the heads up about Stutterer Remover. I also use CASM, have been since FO3. It is really a must have considering how often crashes occur during auto saves. Maybe I'll give A8 another go now that I have only Willow tagging along.
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Sorry, I fell asleep,. But anyways yeah, Stutter Remover dosent support 1.4 . I also deleted GameStablaizer A8 already, it removed that little speed jump. And finally: I really dont wanna have a one breasted female... that'd just be awkward... For INI tweaks go for the NV Configurator: http://newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=40442 Edited by GothikaGeist
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Hey Gothica, you mention changing the grid load to a maximum of 3 from the normal of 5 as a means of correcting crashes. Can that be done on an in progress game without losing all the saves? If I do this do I have to start a new game?
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