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a question about merged patches


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Just put it behind (below) all the other mods and you should be fine. You can also keep the other mods active. (your merged patch actually has them all set as it's master)


By the way: When you're busy creating a merged patch anyway, be sure to run Fo3 edit in masterupdatemode too.

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cheers for the info!


edit: did all the masterupdate and merged patch, didn't seem to make a difference but i did it anyway! btw, is there a similar procedure for FNV as well?

Sure. But you'll need the New Vegas variant of FO3 edit for it: FNVEdit

Do be aware though that it's in Beta stages of development. Like the description says: If you don't know exactly what you're doing, you probably shouldn't be doing it.

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i never had problems with F3 and not merging patches and masterupdating but if its recommended, i'll do it for the sake of it!


concentrating on F3 as i've recently got it and in the time it'll take me to finish it, FNV's mods will have come out of beta etc and hopefully will have a GOTY edition too.

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