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Shelves in Players Sanctuary House


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Hey everyone,


I am looking on some way of getting the white shelf in the laundry room and the little shelves in the bedroom closets and the hallway closet. I tried getting the formIDs of them and doing player.placeatme xxxx but it didnt work. Anyone know how to get them or maybe a mod that already has them in it? Thanks a bunch.

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Those would have to be put into a mod. No idea if anyone has already done it though.


There are a LOT of items that are just static. To make them constructable is fairly easy



I'm taking a bit of a break (my head hurts from papyrus and trying to get the blasted fridge

making cold drinks), so I'm doing some WoW again. (7 day free trial. 5 days left)


Check the other mods, and make a list. If you can't find them elsewhere, I'll

see about adding them to my buildables tomorrow.

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