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Jetpack Realism Mod (immersiveness)


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Hello! First time here on nexus, haven't used any of your community mods yet, but the endless amount of praise never ceases to amaze.


Ok onto the mod idea.


Jet pack's, we love em, we hate em, we wanna rebuild em so they work better.


This idea is a bit entailing but maybe not. Guess it depends on the creator.


The jet pack just doesn't work how I envision one functioning. Running on AP is just nonsense. Immersiblity., The player isn't doing any work while the jet pack is running, its taking little to no energy on the players part to use it so why would it drain AP. AP should really be called stamina.


I purpose a jet pack that runs off of flame thrower fuel or another kind of fuel found in the wasteland. Heck, it can even run off of the fusion core for all I care, but it needs to make sense.


A jet pack drains fuel and it gets hot, thus we need a hud upgrade. This can be done a few ways but I see it as either a simple two gauge system: One for temp and one for fuel level


Or a hologram like the suite and a gauge. The hologram could be simply of the engines (think it would be kinda neat to see)


I dont really know if flamethrower fuel is that viable since its not all that common.


Thats my thought


thanks for reading, have an awesome time creating if you choose to, if you make it, please add it to bethesda.net (and sorry in advance if its policy to not reference other mod locations)

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While many agree that the Jetpack should not burn AP, I am with the OP on this one: It should still run on something. My suggestion has always been Fusion Cells, but that's just me. It makes the most sense IMO because it isn't as costly as a Fusion Core, but the principle is the same.


It would also make more sense in terms of how a jetpack might be usable without power armor, as well.

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well then you get the fusion core power drain adjuster thing along with that other mod. http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/225/?


and a fusion core makes plenty of sense to run a jet-pack. air is pumped in, passed by a heat exchanger that takes waste heat from the fusion core and allows the gas to expand to many times it's volume which effectively compresses it and upon opening a valve, the air rushes out with the force of a jet engine. IRL a system like this would need spinup time, and couldn't have a valve as it would be a jet and not a rocket, but eh. you say potato I say vodka.

Edited by Ekayne
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As far as it running on fuel goes - how about making different buildable versions of a Jetpack that run on different fuels? That way, a player can build a certain kind depending on what fuel type is abundant to them (and perhaps, certain types are more efficient than others?)

Edited by DLTyrus
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Here is my first mod.


Kinda does what the others posted do but slows the thrust so you can control and doesn't go as high so you don't reappear back at ground level.

I believe jetpacks already drain Fusion Cores just like sprinting in PA but trying to figure how to adjust Fusion core drain while jetpacks are active.

If I figure that out I'll update.

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If the Fusion core is the key source of energy, then simple water would suffice: Steam rockets. Alternatives: alcohol based rockets were common during early development. If petroleum is available, then kerosene rockets would work too. Dealing with water supply, and waste heat (coolant +fans+radiators) would be sufficiently realistic without being too fiddly for hardcore survival mode realists.


[edit] total weight should factor into jump pack and Power Armor jump packs for flight longevity before limits kick in.

Edited by Hecateus
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