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CTD on starting New Game, already did full reinstall


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I don't know where I went wrong, but I cannot play Fallout 4 with mods after a 3 month hiatus. When I sat down to begin playing again, I first updated NMM and downloaded the current versions of all the mods I had active. Run Fallout 4, CTD on loading any saves, CTD on starting a new game.


I did a full reinstall of Fallout 4, went online and downloaded LOOT, Wrye Bash, and FO4Edit. I did not reinstall NMM. Reactivate all the mods I wanted, ran LOOT, then Wrye Bash, then FO4Edit on advice from another forum. No joy, no changes at all.


If anybody has some noteworthy advice to give, I'm all ears, because I'm about to scrap modding entirely and just play this vanilla.

Edited by Leathlobhair
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When you deleted the game,did you check if there was any left over fallout4 files files in steam folder,your pc does not delete mod files when you ask it to delete fallou4,i did have to do this when i deleted skyrim som time ago,som of my mod files was still in there.

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