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Player auto AI


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Every one knows the drill, playing a game an get stuck, search net for guide or cheat or solution.

I would like to see ALL games having a PLAYER AI, that is a AI which would take over the players avatar in game and continue playing untill stopped.

This would automatically resolve those STUCK situations, as the AI would complete the section 100% perfect, thus getting you past the stuck section.

You could let the AI go thru the entire game from first to last chapter if you like, This would be like watching the game (Or portion of) as a Movie.

OR you could start at any point and stop at any point, saving the game where ever you want.


No more need to search for a guide or walkthru for those hard or boring to complete sections of the game.

No more multiple redo's because of dieing over an over.

Just switch to the AI and continue to a point past the spot your stuck at and switch back to your control where and when you like.

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Every one knows the drill, playing a game an get stuck, search net for guide or cheat or solution.

I would like to see ALL games having a PLAYER AI, that is a AI which would take over the players avatar in game and continue playing untill stopped.

This would automatically resolve those STUCK situations, as the AI would complete the section 100% perfect, thus getting you past the stuck section.

You could let the AI go thru the entire game from first to last chapter if you like, This would be like watching the game (Or portion of) as a Movie.

OR you could start at any point and stop at any point, saving the game where ever you want.


No more need to search for a guide or walkthru for those hard or boring to complete sections of the game.

No more multiple redo's because of dieing over an over.

Just switch to the AI and continue to a point past the spot your stuck at and switch back to your control where and when you like.


You know, I've tried for five minutes to find that words that describe what I'm feeling right now after reading this post. It's like a combination of shame, nausea, and disgust all rolled into one big ball covered in rage thats sitting in the pit of my stomach.

Please tell me your joking man.


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Every one knows the drill, playing a game an get stuck, search net for guide or cheat or solution.

I would like to see ALL games having a PLAYER AI, that is a AI which would take over the players avatar in game and continue playing untill stopped.

This would automatically resolve those STUCK situations, as the AI would complete the section 100% perfect, thus getting you past the stuck section.

You could let the AI go thru the entire game from first to last chapter if you like, This would be like watching the game (Or portion of) as a Movie.

OR you could start at any point and stop at any point, saving the game where ever you want.


No more need to search for a guide or walkthru for those hard or boring to complete sections of the game.

No more multiple redo's because of dieing over an over.

Just switch to the AI and continue to a point past the spot your stuck at and switch back to your control where and when you like.


You know, I've tried for five minutes to find that words that describe what I'm feeling right now after reading this post. It's like a combination of shame, nausea, and disgust all rolled into one big ball covered in rage thats sitting in the pit of my stomach.

Please tell me your joking man.


I agree, but in a less rude way.


What would be the point of this? You pay for a game to not play it? That's like buying a sandwich and then throwing it away.

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No. Bad idea, removes the point of playing the game. As is many games lead you by the hand through the whole game far too much. Yeah, it's frustrating when you have to find something and don't know where to go or what to look for, but that is part of the fun in finally finding that thing. If you were complaining about this sort of thing 20 years ago when games would literally cheat just to win, and when the only "help" you could get would be in the form of a 1-800 tipline, I 'might' see your point. But these days, most games don't have that sort of broken difficulty which was needed to get around various AI limitations and most information related to a game can be found online or in "let's play" videos. Those few things that aren't are usually the sort that are extremely obscure or fairly obvious to the point where nobody ever said "yeah, someone 'might' have trouble seeing that thing. The weekend is coming up, go visit a flea market to buy yourself a NES and a handful of games for a few bucks. Go play a few of those games until you get to the point of throwing your controller at the TV, then complain that games these days are hard.
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I have the perfect NES game for him, to play Contra with out the Konami code :P Three Lives 1 hit kill, in a game that could be considered the first bullet hell.



The funny part is I had that game mentioned in my original message, but realized that there were just so many games that were either insanely difficult, or suffered from the lack of a save or password feature... So you were literally looking at 12-14 hour play sessions with some games, like Master Blaster... friggin cool game, especially for its time, but neither easy nor a game you could beat in 8 hours, also lacked both password or save feature. Even up until the age of Sega Genesis, this was true. Ah... memories of tears and rage when you'd be playing the same game and same levels for months slowly getting better and better before dying or having to shut of the game only to start over from the very beginning. Kids these days don't know what it was like, and don't understand why many older gamers tend to prefer casual titles... We've spent enough of our lives screaming at the TV... well some of us atleast. But yeah, even then, nothing like games of old.

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Yea, those times where intresting and I kind of miss them some times, guess that is why I love playing shooters in multiplayer now a days as most single player games the AI becomes so predictable after a single play though. I also find it funny that a thread pops up with this subject this week as I saw an article while on steam about easy mode needing an "easy button" to help those who can't get though the simplist difficulty. :facepalm: :facepalm: Its like seriously how bad can you be? I wonder how fast someone like that would rage quit in a game where there is about one thousand people in a single area 500 are the enemy team 499 are on your team. Your teams objective take the base from the 500 enemies that are heavily entrenched in the base and the base isn't taken till you push in, go all the way down stairs take a small room get a hack going on the main terminal and hold it for 15 minutes. Your time frame to complete this objective is 1 hours. Enjoy!! :thumbsup:


I have done this plenty of times and it is no easy feat.

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Well, most of it is that bit of people wanting instant and constant gratification as well as that bit of "confidence is more important than competence". The two often go hand in hand. But the other side of it is that game makers WANT people to be able to see how the game ends since they spent so much time on those parts of the game too. I've lost count on the number of jrpgs and console games I've played and never managed to beat, including the ones that I played several times (Secret of Mana immediately comes to mind despite the fact that one play through I even managed to get to the end boss (and got pwned)). Compared to newer ones where the difficulty isn't why you quit playing, but rather because you lost interest in the game (FFX-2) and never cared to go back or sell it. But you do see more breadcrumbs and hand holding in Western games than Japanese ones.


Been playing Nehrim, and been finding the experience quite refreshing since you don't always have this thing telling you where to go and it is incredibly easy to wander off the path to face something quite a lot stronger than you, and not in the FONV "we really don't want you to go north" way.

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