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Player auto AI


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The only instance I can think of where this sort of thing isn't such a bad idea is in those cases where you are literally just sitting there moving through open space... Like how Wing Commander games had an autonav to get around the 10-20 minutes you would otherwise have to spend throttling your boosters to get through absolutely nothing. Freespace had a similar thing with their travel conduits which only rarely would have any disruption unless part of the campaign. Things like this were the original reason for fast travel in Morrowind but became associated instead merely with being able to get around threats and things that would normally kill the player. MMOs have tried to get rid of the treadmill factor, even though their revenue is directly proportional to the amount of time people spend getting from one place to another. This sort of thing isn't challenge, it is just time spent pressing forward, or watching some cutscene. It's kinda the opposite of the idea, but on is still on a similar track.
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Hmmm, If I recall correctly Rambo Six 3 had something like this. You could load up waypoints created by the devs that would control your squad and complete the level. I personally never used this to finish the game but it was still fun to watch a different approach to finishing the same level; although I can see if being very useful for less determined players as the game was somewhat difficult.


I think Metal Gear 3 also had a kind of cinema mode where you can watch a complete and I assume perfect play through of the game; although you can't jump in and control the player. I assume it might be useful if you need some visual help on finishing a specific area or boss.


But yeah, I kind of agree with everyone here; auto-pilot for games nowadays is kind of a moot point, especially with many games incorporating multiple difficulty levels. I havent played a game in a long while now that forced me to try look for a solution online. The only time I would like auto-pilot is basically summed up in Vagrant0's post.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I want to thank all for your input, rude or otherwise.

But i ask, What is wrong with choice? or added options?

Use it or not is up to you.

As for me, it is not about playing the game or not.

Just an added feature that could be used at your discretion.


Same as using Cheats, Walkthrus, ect. Your Choice!!


I don't want you to put me in YOUR BOX, nor do i want to put you in MY BOX, just THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX!!!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey all i am saying is "I would like the Choice",

I have spent many hours replaying levels in games with no save, spent a whole week end non stop in 1979 playing Star Trek on a Apple.

But sometimes i would like to just Get Laid Back with a game, watch it like a Movie, but the AI playing my Created Character.

And if i had the option to take over if and when i want to, so what?

After watching the complete game start to finish, I just might wana do the Witcher 2 Insane mode.......


Here is Just a little info to help show my point of view, and why it may be just what Game Companies need.


Why most people don't finish video games

Article Author: http://www.smoothharold.com/


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I am definitely against this concept. I, personally, play through games for the challenge and the story. A feature like this would remove the challenge from games. Of course, people would have the choice of whether or not they want to use it, but it does contribute to another problem. The game developer would have to design and implement this feature. Over the past few years, many game developers have been sacrificing the campaign and the story in order to develop multiplayer, often making games either shorter, or less interesting, or sometimes both. Adding this feature would potentially take even more away from campaign and story.


I remember, many years ago, I would regularly play games that would take me well over 30 hours to beat, retrying sections over and over again the whole time, and then I would spend another 30 hours mastering the game to the point that I could go through the entire game without a single death or lost life. While it was extraordinarily frustrating at times, it was also extraordinarily gratifying to finally get through a section after the hundredth retry, without any help from friends or guides. I know that if I were to encounter a point in a game that was as challenging as some parts of The Guardian Legend on NES, and I had access to a player AI, I would probably give in and use it after hours of sheer frustration, and, for me, that would take away from my satisfaction of finally beating the game.

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