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Request for ALL mod authors: "No Bethesda.net Support" notification.


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Dear Mod Authors:


If you make a mod that is never going to get posted on Bethesda.net, whether it be because it violates their policies, or relies on third party software, or because you choose to make it a Nexus exclusive (as is your right as a content creator), could you please add a note in your description somewhere indicating that?


As you are aware, Bethesda.net is the only place that console users will be able to get mods from, and as we all know, the Nexus is SO much better for finding mods.


Imagine how nice it would be if we were able to browse through the mods here on the Nexus, and be able to tell easily that a mod we might be interested in just isn't to be found on Bethesda.net. While disappointing, this would at least let us know not to waste time looking there for it and would hopefully decrease the number of "Are you going to post this on Bethesda.net?" comments you have to deal with on your mods from console users like me. (Sorry! :()


Bear in mind, I'm not making any demands here; just a simple request from one Fallout fan to another: Make the world a better place for all of us.




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I've added this note to my mod already so people didn't ask (that I plan on releasing it to consoles, that is).


Though bare in mind that the CK doesn't allow publishing for console users just yet since it's in open beta.

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We´re facing a problem here...


Consoles are not a normal PC. There are limits, what can be modded and what not. For example, the script-extender wont work on consoles if i´m not mistaken.

Further, the consoles are not capable to access nexus-mods (and similar sites) direclly with download and copy and so on, nore will NMM work the way it works on PC.


And, the main reason, bethesda can´t take any guarantees for a site, not hostet by them.


Due to the fact, console-players are limited to beth-site, i would suggest to let the modders decide wether or not, they publish theyr work here or somewhere else.

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I think what he means, is that console users can search here, which has better search than beth, find what they want, and do a specific search on bethsite. What he would like is the author saying "don't bother, t'aint' thar" kinda thing.


Not an unreasonable request IMHO.

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No, I just want to use Nexus's far superior search & browse tools and then be able to tell easily whether the mods I find here will be found on Bethesda.net or not, especially if they are not on Bethesda.net because they can't be for whatever reason. Example: I forget the name of the file on here, but it actually uses AutoHotKey to do its thing, so this is something that can't be on Bethesda.net, as they don't allow third party utility plugins (as far as I know).
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As a console user eagerly waiting for mods, I appreciate this suggestion. Would be fantastic to be able to search here for mods that will be available (or even have plans to be available) on bethesda.net. So much brilliant work here - hoping that a portion will be available for console.

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I'd love to see this become standard practice. I'm on pc, and love my nexus mods, but I'm only going to be using .net mods from this point on( at least for now). I plan on making mods myself, and want to ensure console users have access, too. Knowing what was going to be coming over from here, myself and others could plan their content accordingly, so as to avoid unnecessary overlap and repeats.

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