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I installed Deadly Reflex but I don't know how to use it


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So well, the famous Deadly Reflex 6, I thought it could make Oblivion more fun. Problem is, after I underwent the hellish installation process, with Mod Manager, script enhancer and all the blah blah thingies I need to do, which were hell, now the mod seems to load correctly, at least I get a little message when I load my game, "Deadly Reflex has been installed, you are ready to play". Awesome! I thought. So anyway, I followed the instructions in this video:



Yay, it looks great, doesn't it? But it's not working for me. I press F, the character sheathes and unsheathes his weapon. The character doesn't dodge, doesn't kick, doesn't do s***, it's basically same old boring vanilla Oblivion, I've played for a while and I can't see a single difference, nor new animations...just nothing, it's like I never installed the mod. After the pain the ass the whole installation was for a starter such as me, it's quite frustrating. I checked everything, the .esp files are in order in the Mod Loader, everything looks fine and dandy, followed every step of the instructions, and nothing.


So maybe I'm missing something. The instructions in the mod are not very clear as on how to use it or configure it to work once installed. Anyway, thanks in advance for the help.




EDIT: Oh, also, I have this object, "Deadly Reflex Reset" which I suppose is useful for something, but when I clic on it all I get is "you cannot equip this item".

Edited by Shadik
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I think part of the problem is that the F key is meant to sheath/unsheath you character's weapon. In the folder Oblivion/Data/INI, you can open the Deadly Reflex INI and change the keys for dodging and such. :)
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Most of those moves need to be "unlocked" by raising your skills. Most of the melee moves are governed by agility, strength, hand to hand, etc. Combustive Convulsion becomes available when your intelligence and willpower get high enough. Edited by eric31415
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Oh, I see, not exactly "install and enjoy", is it? Is there any console command to happily level up without effort? I'm not really playing Oblivion seriously at the moment, just having some fun.


Anyway, does the mod prompt a screen telling you what abilities you can use at any moment? My highest right now is Blade with 40, I hope rising it up a little more will get me some cool movement at some point, no? Also, I see how this guy uses X for stealth kills, do I need to rise stealth too for that?


Thanks for the help.

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Googling "Oblivion console commands" will give you all you seek. But i'd recomend only raising a few select minor skills. When you raise major skills you will level up, but so will your enemies. Since Deadly Reflex factors in the difference in skill level between you and your enemies, this may not have the effect you desire.


I don't believe that there is any way to find out what moves are available to you as you describe, unless that was added in DR6. You should be able to dodge and bash right from the start. Take the time to go thru the very extensive readme, as it explains all of this. But if i remember correctly you should have some blade moves at skill level 50, and i think the only thing that a high stealth skill will do is allow you to get close enough to perform those moves.

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