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Feel like giving up as a modder


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Never give up modding... if you need a break, take a break. Soon you'll get better at explaining things and soon everyone will be used to how you explain things. For what it's worth your mods look really good.

Edited by SkyTaylor21
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The first thing I'd say is that there isn't anything more important than your health--if modding impacts it, definitely take some time off, or work more limited hours.


Second, it looks like you've made a lot of mods--something that likely becomes a bit of a chore if you feel obligated to update them, respond to comments etc. Would it be possible to work on developing bigger, deeper mods and just way less of them ?


Also, don't feel obligated to agree with people who want you to change X and Y about your mod. You can politely disagree with them and just understand that your mod is not going to be for everybody.


Finally, if you can recognize where you may be weakest and ask for some help in polishing those areas, that would help. Very few people who make mods excel at all aspects. Most of us need help from others.

Edited by csbx
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Thankyou for the insight csbx, Ive always had an idea come running into my mind and not stop until I make it. Its part of my creative processs but its been getting out of hand like you have said, I think im going to only mod once a week to keep everything balanced and spend more time playing the games. Ill keep an eye more on the calander and go by that. :)

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I may be able to give you some advice on writing the description.


Personally, I think the first thing you should focus on in the description is a no-nonsense, no-fluff, straight-to-the-point description. Focus on what is at the core of your mod and try to explain it as quickly as possible. A lot of times you see descriptions start with things like "this is my first mod", "I got the idea from [x,y,z]", etc. Personally, I feel like that is a mistake to front load that kind of stuff. People are impatient and have short attention spans and don't want to sift through paragraphs of text just to find out what the mod does. So start information that is relevant to what your mod actually does, and try to keep that information to just a sentence or two if you can.


Next elaborate on some of the most important features, for example; if you made a custom sword give information about whether the sword is craftable and upgradeable first, and if not explain how to get the sword. Mention any perk requirements the player will need to craft it, and maybe what materials they'll need. I've seen a lot of mod authors completely neglect to mention those kinds of things.


After that, if you really feel the need to explain the "this is my first mod", "I got the idea from [x,y,z]", etc. kinds of things, you can put in an abstract section to explain all of that stuff.


After that, move to the final need to know technical nuts and bolts, i.e.; compatibility, requirements, installation, uninstallation, etc. Then optionally you could also have a future plans section


The main key is to keep everything organized. I haven't made many mods but I have been told I'm good at writing descriptions. Here is an example of one mod I made The mod itself isn't impressive 'cause I'm a n00b, but I'm a n00b with decent writing skills. I haven't looked at any of your mods, if you would like though I could read through some of your descriptions and give you some pointers.

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If you would like to, But im off for the night and will check it out tomarrow. The thing that really broke me down was my rpg mode mod, I thought I made a very creative mod to realize that its been done, Then I had to make a 360 and make it overhaulish which took 2 hours of altering books in the cs back and neck are so sore now ill probably stay away from doing anything for the next few days.

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It's OK to post a mod that somebody else has already done. At least two of my mods had already been made by somebody else with very similar ideas. I didn't know about it when I started my mod but when I was ready to post them I did a more in-depth search and lo and behold, there they were. However there were subtle differences and some people preferred one over the other. I myself did not like some of the choices the other mod had made. Unless you are directly ripping somebody off (don't do that), even a mostly technical mod with no creativity will have your own spin. So I would say don't stress if your idea isn't as original as you thought it was. Most ideas aren't original.

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