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motionless settlers. can a mod fix this?


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One thing that drives me nuts is when i attend a settlement and everyone is bunched together and stood motionless. or spread out around the settlement and just....stood still. They have all been assigned and not stuck. But they creep me out.


Is there a mod or fix for this? A Mod maybe that removes what ever is making them stand still and do nothing? i appreciate they will need to stop to go sleep but i attend Crossing Sands and everyone was even stood in a really neat line, all motionless.


Would love a mod to fix this or a way to stop it. :)



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I know what you mean. Since I've started using the newer versions of Don't Call Me Settler, I've seen less of this. Northland Diggers also helps I think, as it gives you more workstations to assign them to. There was a mod called Busy Settlers that I think also claimed to help with this sort of thing, but I've never used it.

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