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2 Perks/level mod that works with Project Nevada


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I just installed Project Nevada yesterday along with all the relevant patches to make sure WMX still worked and that food was still able to heal. Upon leveling up I noticed that my 2 perks per level mod was broken due to PN.


This is most likely due to the fact that PN lets you change the amount of perks available and apparently makes XFO's 2 perks/level mod break - it acts like its going to give you a 2nd perk but just exits out of the leveling screen when you click on continue without bringing up the perk selection menu.


Is there any chance that someone would be willing to make a newer, updated mod that works along with PN? I've gotten so used to getting 2 perks at every level that playing with less is kind of boring and feels limiting.

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Just leveled with PN set to the normal 1 perk every 2 levels anf the mod activated after all of the patches and modules for PN. Still only got a single perk, and when it tried to give me the 2nd perk nothing happened.


I'm not sure how much work it would take to make something that bypasses PN but I'd really like to keep it since it makes the game so much more interesting.


The mod I've been using for the extra perks is here: 2 perks per level


I'd really, really like to keep using this instead of resorting to console commands at each level up to add perks.


Edit: Apparently the mod may have been broken with the 1.4 patch since others haven't been able to use it as well with or without PN installed.

Edited by Drytchnath
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