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For most things we use the official editor, the GECK. You can install it from your Steam library if you look in the tools section, or you can download it from the GECK wiki (make sure you get the New Vegas edition.)


There's plenty of other tools that modders use, but the GECK is the main thing is you're just looking to alter game content.

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The TESTG site in my signature has a "Utilities" page which lists most other common tools needed as well.


The site is targeted at getting users to the point where they can deal with texture replacer mods. In that regard it provides a lot of basic information to help with troubleshooting problems, such as a glossary of terms. However, it is not designed to provide help for mod creation. For that you should start with the GECK wiki and then look search for articles on particular tools and problems.


Don't forget that the Bethesda games in the Oblivion, Skyrim, and Fallout series share the same Gambryo engine. While there are definitely differences, many basics apply to all of them, so expand your searches to the other game sites as well.



Edited by dubiousintent
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If you want to make your own meshes like custom weapons and armor, you need a 3-D modeling tool. The two most popular are 3ds Max and Blender. I use Blender, because it's free and 3ds Max isn't.


There are also conversion tools which are required to export the 3-D models from your modeling tool into the nif format that Fallout uses. It is very important to note that the import and export tools only work with certain versions of modeling programs. For Blender, you need version 2.49, which is NOT the current version of Blender. Somewhere on the nexus (might be under FO3 or Oblivion or some such) there's a package that has Blender 2.49 plus all of the nif tools and includes nifskope, all of which are the correct versions to use together. You will save yourself a lot of trouble if you install everything from this one package. If you don't, you can run into version problems and things will never work right.


I don't use 3ds Max, so I can't tell you which versions of that are usable with the nif tools.


The basic work flow that I use to make my own custom weapon or armor is to first import something similar into Blender. For armor, this gives you the armature that you are going to need, and for both weapons and armor, it gives you an object of a known scale that you can build your own custom mesh around which helps you get the size right. For guns it also gives you certain parts that need to be named certain ways in order for the animation to work properly. For static objects and clutter items I often don't import anything first, which often results in me having to go back and fiddle with the object's scaling to get it right. No biggie.


Once I have my mesh created, now I need to texture it. So now you need a texture editor that can handle DDS files. I use both Paint.Net (which is NOT the paint that comes with windows, but it is free) and GIMP. I tend to use Paint.Net more often because it seems easier and more intuitive to me. GIMP is less intuitive and a bit more difficult to use, but it also seems to have more features and can do some things that Paint.Net can't do. Although, now that Paint.Net has a proper normal map generator that actually works available as an add-on, I tend to use GIMP even less now. A lot of it is personal preference, though. Some folks just like GIMP better.


Once I have the 3-D model textured (UV mapped) and maybe generated a normal map for it as well, then I export everything. Blender and the nif tools don't export a lot of things properly, so then I have to go into nifskope (which comes with the nif tools) and fix it.


Once that is done, then I go itno the GECK and add the items to whatever mod I am working on. In addition to the GECK, you'll probably want to get the GECK Powerup. This allows you to edit esm files without converting them to esp first and also gives you better debugging for scripts. On the negative side, the Powerup will also annoy the heck out of you with error messages, most of which you don't need and don't care about.


You can create new maps entirely within the GECK. The GECk in general is a very buggy and un-intuitive piece of software, and creating your own world space takes you through some of the worst parts of the GECK.


I'm just glossing over things here. There's a lot to learn with each of these before you can make a usable mod.


So here's my list for you:



GECK Powerup

Blender or 3ds Max

nif tools for Blender or 3ds Max

nifskope (should be included with the nif tools)

GIMP or Paint.Net or some other editor that can handle dds files


My advice to you is to start with the GECK. Make simple mods like maybe adding a house somewhere. Then make simple retextures of existing objects. If you get that far, then start making your own models.


Good luck!

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I know How to use blender ^^ and also i know to how to animate using Blender But can i ask? can i add animation in the game using Blender?


(i learn How to animate, Etc using blender Because of Minecraft animation).

Edited by EalKumora
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