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Enabling an Xmarker with a Terminal

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OK, I'm trying to have a terminal enable and disable an Xmarker which is the activating parent of several other objects. I'm trying to use the Papyrus fragment in the form I've added a property.


I'm using "myRef.enable()" in the fragment.


I get this when I try to compile. I can't get it to work and I'm unsure of a vanilla form to look at as an example.

Papyrus Compiler Version for Fallout 4
Copyright (C) ZeniMax Media. All rights reserved.
Starting 1 compile threads for 1 files...
Compiling "Fragments:Terminals:TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5"...
C:\Users\Chuckisteel\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5.psc(7,0): variable BTInt_Options_Door_Ref is undefined
C:\Users\Chuckisteel\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5.psc(7,23): none is not a known user-defined script type
C:\Users\Chuckisteel\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5.psc(15,0): variable BTInt_Options_Door_Ref is undefined
C:\Users\Chuckisteel\AppData\Local\Temp\PapyrusTemp\Fragments\Terminals\TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5.psc(15,23): none is not a known user-defined script type
No output generated for Fragments:Terminals:TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5, compilation failed.

Batch compile of 1 files finished. 0 succeeded, 1 failed.
Failed on Fragments:Terminals:TERM_BTInt_Snac_TerminalDe_010694ED_5

Here's an image of the terminal window.




I didn't mod Skyrim and now it seems the easiest thing in the world to do in FO3/NV has now become overly complicated.


what am I missing


thanks for any help


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The issue you are having is that, in your script, you should have this:

BTInt_Options_Door_Ref is the reference that the Property BTInt_Options is set to - in Papyrus you can't simply point to the name of the reference, which is why you need to use a Property. Edited by Reneer
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Thank you sooooooo much!!!!!


I just spent about three or four hours trying to figure this out! Reading tutorials, watching videos and ether I missed something or I'm very very dumb. :wallbash:


Worked like a charm! :dance:

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Thank you sooooooo much!!!!!


I just spent about three or four hours trying to figure this out! Reading tutorials, watching videos and ether I missed something or I'm very very dumb. :wallbash:


Worked like a charm! :dance:

Don't worry, it confused the heck out of me too when I first started writing scripts for Skyrim.
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