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I placed and equipped the mannequins (2) in the entrance of Battlehorn away from any NPC paths. 1 at the top off the stair in the corner, and the other at the bottom of the stair between the pillar and the railing.


After fast traveling back to the stronghold a day or so later, they are both gone... and they took all my stuff with em. :ohmy: :sad: :mad:


I am wondering if this is due to the fact that although I defeated the marauders and own the keep, I have not purchased any of the fancy upgrades (and thus not "completed" the quest)? And maybe they despawned?


I can paste my load order if it helps.


I noticed a few other had this issue in other threads, but that was because they placed them out side, or in the fighters guild, or other non-owned places... I thought technically I "owned" battlehorn (I have the deed).


Any ideas?




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The interior is replaced when you buy upgrades. Do not put anything in any vanilla houses (and Battlehorn is just a big house) until after you have purchased all of the upgrades you will ever decide you want.

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Sorry to bump in, Striker, but the interior of Battlehorn Castle does not change. Furniture and such is only enabled/disabled. None of the cells are swapped. This new conflicting input of mine is based on my little tinkering with the castle. Not sure about the other homes, though. :happy:


Cells getting reset might cause that, though. Maybe. That is something you probably know more about.

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Hmm ... generally I've found anything that has been in the player's inventory and then dropped/put in a weapon rack stays through cell resets except if you use SPAWN. Since I started using that my decorating days are over ... unless you use the CS to place things of course.


You would know far more about the Battlehorn situation Contra. I tend to not use it for much of anything as it's not located somewhere I find useful or on my way to anything.


And never worry about chiming in on any issues I've posted on ... I've always maintained that it takes a team to troubleshoot.

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Right, so where did it go?


[ ] Despawned?

[ ] Fell through the floor?

[ ] Stolen by the Gray Fox?

[ ] Became sentient and went to the pub for a pint and some crisps?

[ ] Shrank down to microscopic size and are now in the tread of my boot?

[ ] Repossessed to pay back the Mages Guild for all the stuff I looted and sold?


(I have more...)

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Actually, of all the mods I have running, this one is a nice-to-have not a need-to-have IMHO. So If one has to fail, better this one than one of the others.

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Long ago (well before I started using SPAWN and still had the decorating bug) I tried Balakirev's skin-toned version of the Reznod's mannequins. I eventually gave up on it due to the documented bugs.


I'll go with number three (though number four is very tempting).

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