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Gore mods


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I'm looking to build my own gore mod. I've looked, and there aren't any that do what I want them to do. As I've never modded for FO3 or NV (but have for other games), I was hoping for some help.


Please don't give me tutorials. I can find those on my own. What I'm asking is for what things affect gore- dismemberment settings, how to control body parts appearing in game, that sort of thing. Mostly I am just hoping for some tips on how to find these settings (where they are located in GECK) and what other settings can be modified to change gore and blood levels.

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You can always start by having a look at the existing gore mods and see what settings they modify, then start working from there.

That's a great idea. How do I do that?


To specify, I've overcome some initial problems and gotten my GECK working. But when I load anybody else's .esp file, it loads the master file as well. How can I see what it changes without searching through the entire FNV.esm for all the settings? I can't find a side-by-side comparison option, or any way to remove the FNV.esm file settings to just show the other .esp settings.


EDIT: I have continued my search for how to do this, and three forums later, several scans through several tutorials, along with some good ol' fashioned Google searches... still don't know how to do this without looking through the entire master .esm file and comparing values.

Edited by MXan
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I'm pretty sure one aspect of managing gore is a value on weapons that determines the likeliness that they'll cause either dismemberment or an exploding limb on a killing blow.

I think you are right. I also know there are global values of some sort; I caught wind of that in the comments of a mod on Nexus. But I have been unable to find the global settings. I am also looking for the body-part settings. In FO3 there were corpses in raider lairs and gore bags in mutant hideouts; there was a mod which modified those. I haven't been able to figure out how yet, and was hoping to compare that mod to FO3 defaults and apply the same principles to FNV. Still haven't figured out how to do that though.

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Umm, about not being able to reverse-engineer other mods, there is this program called FO3Edit. Google it. It's nearly as important as the GECK for any serious modder. Load up the mod in question in FO3Edit, and open the dropdown corresponding to that mod. That list includes everything added to the game by the mod as well as the modifications done by the mod to the existing scripts and objects (modifications will be highlighted in green).


Oh wait, search for FNVEdit, forgot this was New Vegas. FO3Edit and FNVEdit are functionally the same program tailored for different games.

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Oh wait, search for FNVEdit, forgot this was New Vegas. FO3Edit and FNVEdit are functionally the same program tailored for different games.

I wondered what FO3Edit did. Thanks for the info. And because I'm doing things similarly to a mod for FO3, I will end up using both programs- one to compare the FO3 mod to FO3 defaults, and the other to see similar FNV mods and how they implement things (to check for any differences).

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