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Electric grid, how to make lights stay on without power?

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I can't figure out how the whole electric grid thing works, someone else probably has, so enlighten me. basically I want light statics, specifically the neon letters from Wasteland Workshop to stay on without power. How does the game know which objects are linked to the power grid?

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Remove the power requirement from the base objects - it should be in PRPS. I know where is with FO4Edit, and with CK all you have to do is find the item, rc and Edit it, then remove the power requirement property in the new panel.



Image 2

Edited by Ethreon
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Remove the power requirement from the base objects - it should be in PRPS. I know where is with FO4Edit, and with CK all you have to do is find the item, rc and Edit it, then remove the power requirement property in the new panel.



Image 2

The neon lights don't have that actor value, they only have the WorkshopCanBePowered keyword, but removing that does nothing. It's the same for the ceiling fan and all the other workshop items that require power, but no set amount.

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Alternatively. does someone know how one creates wire connections in the Creation Kit? That could be used as a dirty fix, and would be useful to know anyway. I can't figure out how the splines connect the things to each other, or even if they do...?

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Did you already create your item ? If not, I suggest looking at this tutorial for AddOnNodes. You can just place an addon node, assign it some light and then create a new static via CK or Edit.


About wires - no clue.. the big ones you see around commonwealth are made using markers.

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I figured it out, finally! The neon signs are animated, but playanim("ON") does nothing, even though it should. the reason is that the .nif file contains BSBehaviorGraphExtraData, namely GenericBehaviors\Workshop\Workshop.hkx which probably contains most of the workshop stuff you don't see in the CreationKit. After blanking that line and saving as a new .nif, I now have custom neon lights that can respond correctly to playanim without being "powered".
I would still like to know how Beth linked together those powered objects in the CK though, as in the cell RelayOutpostZimonja, for example.

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