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Endorsements issue design resolution


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Picture at bottom is not an advertisement - but is a before/after showing what I'm talking about

I made a post in another thread but I have no idea how to post a picture relating to it or actually upload stuff via the home file so I made this and am posting here
basically, it involves making the endorsement button slightly bigger than the others to disrupt the blase aspects
bla·sé - "unimpressed or indifferent to something because one has experienced or seen it so often before."

while also moving it away from advertisements, which are frequently green and white as well

generally speaking, the green background with white text isn't horrible, but in this particular case the two colours are incredibly offputting to try to read as well
I figure changing the location to just above the photos, leaving the colour there, breaking up the monotony of the buttons would solve the issue while moving them closer to where people WANT to look, and away from where people will usually NOT want to look - and highlighting the "endorse" button by making it bigger than the rest (uniqueness breeds interest)

also, since this might be a Nexus wide issue, I don't know if it'd work with the other colours, my suspicion is that it would, and that any colour where it wouldn't work there also isn't working where it is now anyways

1. Beware of “Dead Weight” with Visuals

4. The F-Pattern Works Across the Board
4. The F-Pattern Works Across the Board
4. The F-Pattern Works Across the Board
4. The F-Pattern Works Across the Board
4. The F-Pattern Works Across the Board
4. The F-Pattern Works Across the Board
According to this study from the Nielsen Group, all across articles, e-commerce sites, and search engine results, people almost always browse in an F-shaped pattern that heavily favors the left side of the screen.

anyways, the only one other than that is "keep it short and sweet" and you CAN in fact put important elements "below the fold" (what's a fold? honestly I have no idea)


Edited by tartarsauce2
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yes but did you read post I made about it and why this should be done?
here I'll make it even easier

what I'm talking about here is literally just getting around tendencies to not even - at a functional level, realize the endorse button exists
there's a lot of stuff going against paying attention to it in practice where it is now, it's easy enough to skip over but it's one of those marketing tricks things
in fact I'd argue that it's an important aspect of the entire process and function of a modding community, and less of an advertisement setup, which IS in fact intrusive and undesired typically
so TLDR: where it is now is in fact a disservice to what it's for, it's an intrinsically beneficial thing that deserves a more noticeable place, but not too intrusive, just taking advantage of location to be less invisible
because it's a constant, it can be easily skipped over by determined individuals still without being all "HERE HERE CLICK HERE LOOK AT ME" entirely, it'll mostly impact for the first few times someone sees it, and this will mean more people will be aware of the function - and they'll be the ones to naturally on their own, when they realize endorsements are "a thing" go and do it more probably - at any rate there should be a small but appreciable boost in endorsements from it


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We have to wait certain amount of time to endorse mods after downloading, so I'm sure reasonable amount of Nexus users simply forgot to endorse mods.


Probably we need more notification or reminder to endorse mods.... Well something is not annoying like a unwanted pop-up ads, I guess.

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for the popup thing, I was thinking something like retooling the popup that already exists (I'm conservative on these things sue me) to something really simple

"modders use endorsements to determine if people even want more of the stuff they do"
with the endorsements list popping up, or is this only for registered users?

not sure if making users register to download any at all is such a hot thing, but little changes, little changes
I've been changing my own gameplay setup with mods modding the files I DL'd from others' to tune the game to my liking, so it seems to be the word of the day for me

Edited by tartarsauce2
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