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Looking for a simple Item Duplication Glitch


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Does anyone know of one?


I'd prefer it as a standalone but, if it only exists as part of another mod I'd consider it. (I believe I've seen some mod that had duplication as a sub-feature)


If someone were to make one, I'd only ask that it be primarily menu driven. i.e.: open your inventory and right click the item you'd like to duplicate and a little window comes up with options and a slider to select an amount to add to your inventory (1-250ish should suffice).


I know, I know, "use the console" but, this mod isn't necessarily for me. :whistling:



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Note: Losing what? UOP can never fix game-engine issue. The duplication with scroll is possible with 1.2.x, but remember you cannot duplicate scripted items such as Nirnroot.


I was under the impression that it fixed said duplication method. ;D

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Here's a dupe glitch.


Get 2 or more of the same magic scrolls. (ex. flare and flare)

Get an expensive item you want to dupe.

Click 2 times really fast on the scrolls.

Drop the item you wunna dupe.



I hade two types of scrolls and duped 1235 scrolls

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I hade two types of scrolls and duped 1235 scrolls


Duping over 256 at a time can crash your game. And I'm aware of the scroll duplication method lol, I thought UOP patched it...


Edit: and Sigil Stones are very, very buggy when duped. I wouldn't do more than 10 to 15 at a time with those.

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