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Problems with creating new world space.


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Hello everybody,


As the Beta of the CK has been release I, and a few others, have decided to contiue a mod in which we were creating for fallout: NV however, halted when the release of Fallout 4 was announced.


Time for the question.


I am attempting at creating a new world space, which for the most part has been going very well. I am able to walk around properly without issue, interact with objects, such as doors and Ham Radios and also load in from an interior cell. However, one problem still persists, I am unable to sprint/run on the newly created world cell. This puts me into a rather difficult predicament, as I am considering whether or not to continue on with creating the world space.


Any help with this issue would be incredibly helpful.


Thank you in advance!




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Following this. I've noticed the same thing, my guess is that it has nothing to do with the worldspace. Maybe there's a list somewhere that determines where the player can sprint?


Edit: I was probably wrong, it might be related to worldspace after all. This seems to have been a common bug before the CK came out, and any edits to a cell would somehow bork that area and make the player unable to sprint. It seems the bug has persisted in the Creation Kit. Adding fPlayerDisableSprintingLoadingCellDistance=0

to my Fallout4Custom.ini does not solve the problem. I'm stumped and really hoping I haven't wasted my time on two new worldspaces.
Edit 2: There was already a discussion about this here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/4055580-sprint-bug/?hl=%20sprinting including a comment from Bethesda, which is from here: https://community.bethesda.net/thread/8561. Not really helpful, but that's all we've got.
Edited by mazakala
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If you are unable to sprint, you may be testing your worldspace too early? In the beginning of Fallout 4 your character is unable to run until he has exited his house. Try to command console your way to your world space from a previous save that isn't at the beginning of the game. (make a back up first).


Hope this was the issue as i came across the issue and realized this.

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If you are unable to sprint, you may be testing your worldspace too early? In the beginning of Fallout 4 your character is unable to run until he has exited his house. Try to command console your way to your world space from a previous save that isn't at the beginning of the game. (make a back up first).


Hope this was the issue as i came across the issue and realized this.

If you coc from the main menu you will be able to sprint in a vanilla worldspace, but not in a custom one. It's a bug in the CK and/or game engine.

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I'm pretty sure I just saw a new version of a mod (the warzone wasteland spawn points one) refer to a sprint BUG in the engine (what!- a fundamental bug in a Beth engine?), and give a potential .ini fix. Perhaps that may help?

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