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Powering WW Neon Letters in CK

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Hi there!


I'm working on some exteriors on Goodneighbor in the CK, and I've added some of the neon letters from Wasteland Workshop to one of the walls, however I cannot get them to light up in game. Every other light I've added (light FX included etc) works but I just can't figure out how to get the neons working. Do I need to add a power source onto the wall or something?? What one would it be? I'd appreciate any help - I'm new to any version of the CK.


Thank you!

Edited by femshepping
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I don't know how Beth does it, or if that's even even doable in the CK. The workaround is to create new models and new letters. There's only 4 or 5 .nif files for the neon letters. Open them in nifskope, find the BSBehaviorGraphExtraData and blank out GenericBehaviors\Workshop\Workshop.hkx and save as a new nif. Then all you need to do is make copies of every letter in the CK, change the model file, pick the correct material swap, remove workshop related actor values and keywords, add a script that does playanim("ON") and you've got working neon signage.

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