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Talk/Bribe Attackers?


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No, bandits, conjurers, and the like are there for you to kill, not talk to. As they are by nature aggressive, they will attack anyone who comes near, regardless of intention. Why take a bribe when they can just take everything you have when they kill you?


Unfortunatly, adding anything that might make them less aggressive in order for you to talk to them would have adverse side effects, such as; comiting crime if you attacked first, having to talk to each and every one of them and somehow lowering their disposition before they would attack, still not having anything other than generic rumors to say. Meaning that such a mod would probably REALLY suck, or end up being alot like the few highwaymen who are more of an annoyance than anything (since you know what they are, what they want, but still have to wait for them to run up to you and talk to you before you can kill them, unless you like paying fines.)

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Or don the Cowl of Nocturnal. I did it once, and the bandit had a friendly conversation with me, seems he was honoured by my presence. Probably won't work for conjureres though.
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