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minigun sound improvment


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hi wasteland wanderers! ....i wanted to ask you something: i hate that miniguns in NV don't have a proper sound...i mean when i start firing i sudden here sound of firing....why i'm not hearing that wonderful " szzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" spinning-minigun sound anymore? How can i restore it in order to hear first the spinning sound and later the firing one? i suppose i can do it with geck...in that case please list me steps to follow
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hi wasteland wanderers! ....i wanted to ask you something: i hate that miniguns in NV don't have a proper sound...i mean when i start firing i sudden here sound of firing....why i'm not hearing that wonderful " szzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" spinning-minigun sound anymore? How can i restore it in order to hear first the spinning sound and later the firing one? i suppose i can do it with geck...in that case please list me steps to follow


If you can manage to bring up the sound file in any audio editor (there are some good free ones out there), just add a bit of silence before the firing sound. Won't be perfec, but it's better than nothing. If you have Fallout 3, just take the audio file from that and replace the NV file with it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

i don't have fallout 3 and i can't find the relative minigun sound in my nv fodlers....

Well, to start you need the GECK, it's updates (the current is v1.4), and you should be familiar with it.


Once you do that (if you haven't already), look up a tutorial on changing the sound a weapon makes in-game. I only say look one up because I don't want to forge anybody's tutorials. But there are some good ones on the site.


After that, I can help you.


Sorry :/

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I found a simple, yet effective fix after playing around with the GECK.


Open the GECK, and in the Object menu find the Minigun.

Double-click to edit it.

In the popup screen go to the "Art and Sound" menu.

In that menu find the "Attack Loop" option.

It should say "WPNMinigunSpinLPM"

Click that option. Another menu will pop up.

Find "WPNMinigunSpinnLPM", and double-click to select it.

Then back at the "Weapon" menu, click OK.

Then save under whatever name you want.


There you go! I would just make the mod for you, but it doesn't seem to fix it.

But for shits and giggles, I uploaded it anyway.


Good luck!

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