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Why Steam? just why....


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don't have the money, spent it all on my new computer (which has yet to ship)


I see. Well you said you had magicka but that it was hard to get into - the controls are a bit hard, but part of the fun is learning them. If you havn't played the whole story mode yet it offers a few funny plot twists.


Sadly most "free" games today are utter crap. Believe me, I had a time I tried to find a decent one :P

Don't know abot the others on your list but daggerdale, and I've heard it got pretty bad reviews


Daggerdale isn't all that bad, the controls are a little funky though, it just takes forever to get to the load screen and hard to get into the lore

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Hmm, for Fallout 3, try right clicking the game in your steam library, then going to Properties. From there, go to local files and click Verify Integrity of game cache. If there are files missing it *should* theoretically download them. If it doesn't work, I'm stumped. Might wanna check the Fallout forums on Steam to check for people with similar issues.


As for the waiting ten hours thinh, consider yourself lucky if it finishes in 10 hours. :P I'm on a 384 megabits line, which can download at a maximim of 40 kilobits per second. This means it usually takes me three or 4 days to finish downloading an 8gb game. :P

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Hmm, for Fallout 3, try right clicking the game in your steam library, then going to Properties. From there, go to local files and click Verify Integrity of game cache. If there are files missing it *should* theoretically download them. If it doesn't work, I'm stumped. Might wanna check the Fallout forums on Steam to check for people with similar issues.


As for the waiting ten hours thinh, consider yourself lucky if it finishes in 10 hours. :P I'm on a 384 megabits line, which can download at a maximim of 40 kilobits per second. This means it usually takes me three or 4 days to finish downloading an 8gb game. :P


didn't work, still crashes exactly 2 seconds after the steam message comes up


time to play DAOC/EQ2 whichever currently has an active subscription xD

Edited by survivalist92
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lost my disk to Oblivion. I like DA2, just gets old after a while. Brink is broken with my new computer, disks to true classics (Baldurs Gate, Icewind Dale, Neverwinter Nights) have been destroyed... (due to little brother) =(


Edit: and im still waiting for my new computer (which might take a long time...)


Your little brother destroyed Icewind Dale AND Baldur's Gate?!!??!?!?!?! :ohdear:










Kill him. :devil:

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Dont reley on steam support if you have a prob they are at times useless, try to fix the prob yourself and be prepared to format your hd and hope that it isn't something to do with your internet conection. Thats my advice I can understand your rant, Id post mine to show how I feel atm but il just get banned for vulgar language so I will not
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If the game keeps crashing after the steam message it might be an issue with the Master files. If he is using mods there might be a missing mast file or their not in the right order. To top it off I think if mods that need FOSE are running and FOSE isn't there it some times kicks you out.
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too bad im not running mods at this time... it worked fine when i was running mods o_O


Edit: so i am trying to find the corrupted files in FO3 edit and the base files... i hope it works

Edited by survivalist92
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Hmmm, sounds like a corrupt master file then. Make sure every ESM and esp other then the Fallout 3 esm is disable in FOMM, if it still crashes then either your hard drive has a bad sector its place the game at, or is getting corrupted data. I would suggest a full clean sweep of your machine with a virus scanner, then back up any saves, pics and what ever you want to transfer over, then format and start over.
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You do know that FONV was made by obsidian right? I wouldn't worry too much about skyrim or any other future releases from bethesda when it comes to steam. Not more so than any other future game.


Bethesda published/distributed it. Which means it was their choice to distribute it through Steam, not Obsidian's. But from I've seen, they're have been more complaints about the Steam DMR then when Fallout 3 was using GFWL(games for windows live). So hopefully they've listened. While I've never had any problems with the game(as I did buy it through Steam) except for having to wait for updates to GECK, so a disk version of Skyrim that has nothing to do with Steam would be nice, as I could wait until they update the Creation Kit until updating the game.

Edited by jhardingame
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