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Wierd view bug


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Honestly, I could not think of a better way to describe it. It is most definitely caused by some mod and it is also definitely connected to water-whenever my character finds himself near water, screen becomes split in two parts-the upper part is seen normally, while anything below clearly visible line is bugged, for example nirnroot is not showing, character faces are messed up, only half of weapon is seen, etc. Water itself does not even show at all untill I walk in (and then it is just only about a meter in diameter from character-any further, there is no water. Diving also causes this split screen bug, and looking up (where the surface of water is) only shows big black square.

I tried to look on forums, but I did not find anything like this. Of course, I might be just dumb, but please, help. Mods, that were altering water (tried to disable, enable in different combinations-it was no good) : OBGE liquid water, real lava 1.3, Alive waters.

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