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Changes to our file uploader and large file uploading fix


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So i guess it's all still being moved? I keep getting

"The file is currently being uploaded to our file servers and it will be ready to be downloaded soon."

even with my own mods. On quite a few things.

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I uploaded a new version of my mod on the 3rd of August ( http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39531/? ) and it seemed to have gone live immediately, at least on my end. However, tonight (26th August), I checked back (From the same PC, same IP and all that) and I'm suddenly getting "The file is currently being uploaded to our file servers and it will be ready to be downloaded soon." as are other people I know managed to download it before fine. Is there anything I can do? :/

Edited by Otellino
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