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How to get some space on my HDD

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So, ive got C on a separate partition. With general use, however, i've noticed that it creeps closer and closer to being full.

I've moved my user folders to D, got the absolute bare minimum programs installed on C, and big folders on my desktop are all just shortcuts.

I've used disk cleanup and have done a defragmentation of the drive, but to very little avail.


Currently, the drive is at 19gb free of 65gb.

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I always use free JDiskReport for disk space analysis(need java RT to be installed), just right click on your drive, you will know what wasting your drive.

For duplicate file, HashMyfiles can be good alternative. Can be long time if chechking big files, because SHA1 is set by default. I have enough with MD5..

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Heyas CC :)

What about your virtual memory, have you moved that over to a different drive/partition?

have you tried ccleaner? http://www.piriform.com/CCLEANER that might help out some.

there's also winoptimizer from ashampoo. comes with a 40 day trial.


for a small-ish partition like that, I'd almost recommend something like doing a fresh format to get rid of all the crapfiles, install your bare minimums and then creating an image of the partition and save that to another area of the comp. Then periodically restore the drive from the image/backup as the part starts to fill up.


Not that I'm really recommending it, but if you've got a home network, or another computer there at home you might even consider having that system load the OS via the network and free up the space from that off the drive. Not something the average home user wants to go to all the trouble to do tho.

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Heyas CC :)

What about your virtual memory, have you moved that over to a different drive/partition?

have you tried ccleaner? http://www.piriform.com/CCLEANER that might help out some.

there's also winoptimizer from ashampoo. comes with a 40 day trial.


for a small-ish partition like that, I'd almost recommend something like doing a fresh format to get rid of all the crapfiles, install your bare minimums and then creating an image of the partition and save that to another area of the comp. Then periodically restore the drive from the image/backup as the part starts to fill up.


Not that I'm really recommending it, but if you've got a home network, or another computer there at home you might even consider having that system load the OS via the network and free up the space from that off the drive. Not something the average home user wants to go to all the trouble to do tho.


i was also going to recommend CClearner. same ppl also make something called Defraggler. ive noticed that it can actually get me an extra few gigs then the normal defrag, idky, but if you run both of those, then you might be able to recover a few gigs :)

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