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extract to geck program


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The extract to Geck program not only extracts items into the Geck, but it also searches for new lands from Google Earth and extracts them into the Geck for use in New Vegas. Now if you have the new lands, you can have a door to the world as in Mojave Desert and a door to come back to the Mojave wasteland located in both the real town of Goodsprings and in the New Vegas one.


Note: I cannot program the extract to Geck program maybe if someone wants to, please go ahead and do that.

Note 2: there are no loading screens when entering a building in the real Goodsprings because there are no separate cell like interior cells.


Note 3: how you get new land for New Vegas the button is below extract all the items to the Geck button is called link to Google Earth and extract all lands or all the lands to the Geck button


note 4: you must have Google Earth before you can use the feature..

Edited by dosbox1
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Wouldn't this be illegal? Since it is taking models and stuff from another program? And pretty much impossible? You could make New York or London. You could make all of Earth right?
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I don't think it is illegal, unless you extract a crapload of stuff, and turn into a mod you said you *created by yourself*


I think as long as you credit the people who made it, they won't give a damn.


And isn't Google Earth publicly available?




actually heres a excerpt from wikipedia.




Currently, every image created from Google Earth using satellite data provided by Google Earth is a copyrighted map. Any derivative from Google Earth is made from copyrighted data which, under United States Copyright Law, may not be used except under the licenses Google provides. Google allows non-commercial personal use of the images (e.g. on a personal website or blog) as long as copyrights and attributions are preserved.[75] By contrast, images created with NASA's globe software World Wind use the Blue Marble, Landsat or USGS layer, each of which is a terrain layer in the public domain. Works created by an agency of the United States government are public domain at the moment of creation. This means that those images can be freely modified, redistributed and used for commercial purposes.
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Can you set a budget of a couple million dollars so I can nab a development team I can lead and give me the rights to the resulting product so I can market it to Bethsoft for even more money? :rolleyes:


As people keep telling you, this isn't going to happen anytime soon. Technology isn't magic. Learn to use the GECK and make worldspaces/models/whatever yourself. If software this advanced existed companies would already be using it (and marketing it).

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