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Quick Blender Question


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I accidentally pressed some button or something and have changed my blender settings. Now, every time I press a button, the 3d viewer cycles through the layers so I cant work on anything. I cant select meshes, delete anything, or edit those meshes. Ive looked for information on how to fix this, but every help page says I need to delete a B.blend file in the Blender folder, but I cant find it. I use Blender 2.49 with all the Pyfy extensions. I know this is probably very easy to fix, but Im still learning the Blender ropes^^.


Thanks in advance ! :biggrin:

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I found the B.blend file, after creating it using ctrl U. Since the guides told me to delete this to restore Blender's default settings, I went ahead and did this. But my problem still occurs. Everytime I press a button, instead of using its hotkey function, the scene just cycles through the layers. This includes all the camera alignment buttons on my num pad as well. Everything cycles layers and I cant get any work done :ohdear: . I could really use some advice from any who are willing to give it^^.
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Ok I think I have discovered part of the problem and it actually was found by accident. I was testing a new mod that I had just downloaded with a character that was already in the testinghall. The character was already overencombered so I went into the console to turn on god mode. Instead of getting tgm, my letter keys were suddenly spouting out numbers. My num pad is fine, but it seems I have somehow set my keyboard to interpret numbers instead of their proper letters and I think this is the reason for my stated problem above. I know that the number lines(above the alphabet keyboard) control the layer select options in Blender, causing it to cycle through my layers every time I press a key. But its only affecting my Blender program and Oblivion(possibly Morrowind too but I have yet to check). In Oblivion, every key opens to the spell hotkey wheel so I cant move or do any actions because every key now acts like a number. Obviously it is only affecting blender and the game, otherwise I wouldnt be able to use my keyboard to send this message. Could this be a non blender/oblivion issue and be more related to system preferences on my OS? I use windows 7 btw and this has never happened before.


Note: I am not trying to bump my own post. I am simply updating the thread as my testing on this issue brings up relevent information. Any input you guys might think might help would be useful :biggrin: .

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Solved the problem. Turns out that Comcast's new Xfinity security services do not play nice with your keyboard. For any who read this, stay away from their Constant Guard security suite. At least for me, it changed all my keys to numbers, which pretty much kept me from doing anything important on my laptop today until I found the problem. I looked on the web after I narrowed it down to that specific problem and it turns out that a lot of people cant play their games with this new security suite enabled because it messes with their ability to detect key and mouse settings in most pc games. It also messes with Blender, hence the reason for my post^^. Too bad no one got a chance to give their input on the problem, because I like to hear from what others think about these sort of issues, but Im just glad to get my computer back under my control ;D .
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